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Pretty good stuff.

this was very cute, the color the hearts the detail and the character with some backround effects cameout pretty good i thought, as i look at your art piece i cant really see anything to improve on so i would leave it as is, so i was pretty impressed with the outcome, and look forward to more, so as a last note great art great use of color awsome character and yes theres lots of love, good art piece here i look forward to seeing more, anyways nice job. anyways good luck on your next piece.

So great piece, nice color awsome detail, its perfect as is.


KeiKuzco responds:

thanks dude

Very dark very impressive

now this was nice, its abit on the "DARK" side but i guess thats what you were going for, and thats great you really bringout the realistic feel of this, love the black darkness in the backround really gives off that real feel aswell, the texture and look of it was also so very really and thats a good thing on your part of it, if anything can be improved maybe "LIGHT" up the "EYES" with some sorta glow or something, besides that you did a fantastic job on this whole piece, hope to see more from you soon.

ad some lighting or glow effects from within the eyes


Nice use of color

nice piece here it shows lots of "ACTION" and i love the color "TONES" changing from one to the next that was actually a pretty good idea and makes it much more neat that way, the drawings them self of the battle and characters are pretty awsome show lots of detail and great designs on them so very good on this piece i really liked this one, if any suggestions are made in this review to improve on, maybe you could use more lighting effects like the gun "SHOOTING" brighten them up abit, anyways great piece you have here.

could use more lighting effects, on the gun ray for example.


DarkVisionComics responds:

Its fine how it is for the most part, I do agree,I could of did the lighting effects on her face from the glow of the gun and glow onto the necromorph she's fighting, but the gun isn't shooting, she's just aiming at a limb . Thank you though! :} She loves it, I love it, I got paid for it. Good stuff. Thank you again!


hehe ok i must admit i did get a funny "LAUGH" from this one, allthough i was confused i should have started on the first one, but here we are at (#5) now this comic is notbad, the color was ok but maybe some "DEEPER" colors and such? maybe more frames then you have aswell, dont get me wrong this was decent but has room for improving i enjoyed it regardless, so untill next time keep up the decent art, one one last note the art in paticular was pretty welldone so again props to you there, good luck on your next piece of artwork.

So a few things i said like, more deeper colors, more frames, more dpth and more going on ofcorse.


notbad bad at all

So this was ok, i kinda liked it if you ask me though, it was a good {SKETCH} nothing too fancy but still had it moments you did show us effort with some details and emotion in the character with eyes and such, now some {COLOR} would really spice this up though, so i wouldnt mind seeing some color presented, so for a better outcome maybe a larger scale and some added color.

add some color maybe even a larger {SCALE} drawing


thies responds:

Thanks for the review :)

sharp colors

ok so its been awhile since i reviewed anything but must say this one is pretty impressive, i love the {COLOR} its very sharp and fresh looking what did you actually use?? anyways great parat or other bird, and even added some nice backround to reflect the bird more, so nice job overall

hmm not sure here but maybe some outer lines {GLOWING} just an idea but something to try it out


This was decent

Wow this was pretty interesting i thought the holding up of the actaual pictures was a nifty and creative idea, the {BACKROUNDS} looked very realistic or could have been a {3d-RENDER} of some type?? anyways glad to see this got an honorble mention for frontpaged very nice job there, now this was pretty neat with the odd but neat looking eyes, you gave it that unique and odd style that i love so i was glad to have seen this, as for improvments i would suggest throw in a little puppy or rabbit in the backround just for extra measure haha, anyways nice job here hope to see more of your work soon.

As an extra idea throw in a little puppy or rabbit in the backround. other then that i thought it was ok.


NeonMonster responds:

duly noted.

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