Cool Eye
And as we see somany of these types of drawings with just an "EYE" its always cool to see the detail especially when done with pencil and even black and white, the one thing that black and white lacks is the detail that color does bring out so you should think about adding some color touches maybe a piece here and there or just some props of color. But overall this was actually a pretty good drawing and nice style, the linework was great, Keep up the awsome work this was a great drawing nice effort shown some decent detail, and was glad i had a chance to review this very nice indeed, hope to checkout more of your work soon. for now keep up the good work.
These are great types and styles of drawings, I have suggested some tips and ideas that could help on improving this, even just a little touch up here and there would be the idea, so try them out and let the quality shine, First of all add some color maybe just a touch, maybe the "OUTTER" eye or even just the "EYE-BALL" would be great and show more focus on the drawing itself, Anyways hope this review helps even abit.