lol Cute
I personally feel that That this was an ok piece, but Lets start from the top and by that I mean the whole piece it has a certain style that keeps me interested but other areas kind of drew me away. Haha this one had some humor to it, I am thinking these might look alot better with some color not the frame work but maybe just the characters themself. notbad of a comic maybe added an extra set of boxes to make it a tad longer to extend the humor somehow. Things are set up and as this one is coming to an end, you have presented some interesting things here and I must say you presented it all in good fashion.
I always stress in my reviews of fixing this or adding that, but in all honesty this was nifty and I can see adding some good ideas here that will make this much better. extending the humor with a longer comic frame work is one way to improve, might look alot better with some color not the frame work but maybe just the characters themself.