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Good lord not those "EMO" girls. I do like the look of this girl and the slight reveal of her breasts is sexy but not too slutty. The outfit you made here has good coloring, gotta love red. Her expression and smile are great and that detail textures and shadows in her face make it really look like a cartoon or a possible animation to be. The legs are a bit off at the bottom as they seem too short after the knees, maybe work on body proportions. The background is a good use of color for the girl but needs a bit more I think. Good job overall, beware dem "EMOS" Pieces like this always keep me interested there is always some nice detail or even simple method of how it was created,but this was notbad at all. And so there you have it, the review is shortly commingto a finish here, I was pretty pleased with the outcome here, it was pretty interesting, there may be some adjustments but maybe not much just depends on the direction you really wanted to go with this.

Work on the legs a bit and maybe give more details in the background.



Well I will say that this was kind of different but I like the subtle style of it and its a funny character, I think that the backround could have some people walking and such and just have some backround beach stuff but maybe not needed still a decent art piece you have here.

Some backround beach scene like people and flags and stuff.


Wow nice

Dont think I remember this it was pretty good then and still is in todays standards you have some really nice character work, the onlything with this piece is that it needs some backround work maybe a scene or just some backdrop of some sort but still good work for todays standards.

Some backround work ofcourse.



I think this here is a good sketch work but could use a few more improvement like more of background as those ink lines seem a bit of a rushed inclusion. I love how realistic this is and how you tried to create a more complicated head-turn position rather then a profile or front view sketch. The eyes are very cute and beedie, and the details for the ink lines are very well done adding texture to the piece. I love the added flower they are eating too. I Applaud you on this one, These kinds of pieces I really come to love because they just sort of jump out at you and tell a sort of story. very Engaging. Its always good to come across different and unique styles of art and as we come to the end of this review I will get to some helpful options soon. One might be that this could be Polished with more Expression of creativity.

Just more of a background, maybe colorize this


rosesarentread responds:

Wow, thank you for such an in-depth critique! Right now I’m not too good at backgrounds, so I’ll be sure to work on them!

Love it

Allthough this was an older piece its still a good piece of art you have some nice skills and this was made in the first stages of the art portal but still wanted to take the time to show some respect for some good artwork here, so nice work indeed, I look forward to even more from you.

More shine


ow very nice

I like this one, the shades and textures are pretty good if you ask me I do think something more could be done with the backround but since this is an older one maybe not so much, but anyways regardless this is apretty good piece if you ask me, anyways keep up the great artistic style.

Some slight backround detail


Very nice

Now this was very nicework a very simplistic style turned into something even more I love the border aswell as the circle orbs all in the backrounds that really made this up the characters are really nice looking and you have a way with use of color so nice job indeed on a beautifull piece here.

I honestly couldnt find anything to change in my eyes this is pretty solid


Nice work

Wow this was pretty good I like the whole canvus of the backround its really cool, a very deep texture, and the charactures are not half bad either the lighting effects are even better you should think about brighting up the eyes just a tad more with a glow effect or something

more glow in the eyes light them up.



Wow a good way to spend your Valentines at Disney. I plan to take my girl there one day, she will enjoy it...this reminds me of that and it has a cute and honest feeling to it. Not so much romantic as more of a cute girl/boy piece that shows the joys of dating and friendship. I think the coloring and anime style you used here is good and your shadows and light effects all make it come to life. I dont think much needs changing maybe less black in the background. You are good with your style here and I think over time will only get better. I love the clouds of the background most as they really seem realistic with details and the effect you used. You have a nice piece of art here, you brought out lots of nice elements in this and made it your own style thats what I liked about this its not just put out there but you really made it jump out, so nice job there and i look forward to more from you soon. Nice effort here the art piece is different and I like what you did here and the talent shows off well, So I do like this and you will have me interested in more of these types.

The black space around the background seems a bit much to me, maybe crop it down a bit to focus more on the couple here.


holikrep responds:

Aw thank you so much for the kind and thoughtful words! I appreciate you taking the time to do that, it means a lot! I did end up regretting not cropping it down a bit more but sadly I lost the original file during a factory reset so i'm not sure how well it'd crop anymore ;; I will be more careful about that in the future though! I'm really happy you liked the clouds ;u; )r I was probably most proud of them even though they more or less happened through a string of accidents

He looks mad

Wow this was pretty good he looks pretty mad I love the whole red and a few light up spots like lightning moon and even button, So with those light up points I would suggest to really put some glow on them they would really reflect well off the deep reds, But still a very good art piece here.

I would suggest to really put some glow on them they would really reflect well off the deep reds


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