This is one sexy looking vampire. I love vampires. The "BLOOD" in here eyes was a great addition to this as it bring out that dark side with her sexy red lips smile. That apple gives off the sexy seductive feeling like she is trying to lure you in with innocence and you want a bit but she really is the one doing the biting. The long hair with its details and textures really fits in with that seductive and dark look. The texture and patterns in her lace outfit are really the star here as it looks almost real and similar to clothing designs. I love each part of this piece and I seem to be enjoying all the new things you bring to the table the last few days. Now before I get to the helpfull changes part of the review I will say that you have done well here, I wanted to comment on how this Radiates all sorts of creativty and that was something I really liked about this piece you have a good Expression of creativity, and I was impressed with a number of areas.
maybe blood from her mouth dripping out, and putting a more shine on that apple would be a plus