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Now that's impressive

Now as I mentioned that is very impressive and I love all the little animation that was a plus but all these characters were great I can't see where I would change anything maybe have the cannon shoot a cannon ball at screen

As mentioned but doesn't really need anything



I think this is pretty abstract artwork that you have here, there is some nice stuff here, I think with this one I think you could have a much larger view screen or "CANVUS" it just seems a tad bit small and doesnt allow for all the details to show, so maybe showing more of the details, but anyways nice artistic and abstract style you have here very good stuff and I have enjoyed it.

Larger screen size and or canvus.



This was a cute little character with a nice color theme in the backround this is another one of those pieces I could see you expanding on the canvus size or just making a larger view screen. You have some nice work here and that color theme really comes out alive, so nice job indeed on this piece, I hope you can make more stuff like this even as old as this one is, its still a nice piece.

this is another one of those pieces I could see you expanding on the canvus size or just making a larger view screen.



I like this overall, just feels it needs a bit more in terms of polishing. I love the “RED” balloon and the addition of the animals. The boy looks confused so if that was the expression you were aiming for, you got it. I love the blending of color to color in your overall digital coloring. I am not too familiar with cavestory, but in my old age maybe I am, but this does look similar. I think you did some decent fan art here. And so we have another art piece here filled with some entertaining value aswell as some interesting art creativity and thats what I really look for so nice effort on bringing the differant elements together with this one. So I Applaud you on a good days efforts and work with this one allthough it probably took longer. You have shown the Desire in this piece, And now as I end this review on this awsome piece of work, great efforts here today, its always nice to see stuff like this come around the portal now and then.

Just polish up the main boy with more details in the body, seems a bit too loose in some parts but decent overall.


ErnieTheMighty responds:

Awwww! Bless you! Thank you so much!

Very beautiful

So you always have some very beautiful work you always show off some really smooth lines and some beautiful creatures just as this one is I really like it and there's not a thing I would change about this piece so keep up the good work

I wouldn't change a thing as this is perfectly beautiful


Nice set up

Well this was cool a nice set up and a nice design on the whole "ANGRY-FACE" this whole peice nneds a frame or a border maybe yellow so it is simular to the whole piece at hand, and some more texture in the angryface character itself to make it look more like metal of some sort, just an idea or two to improve onto this one.

Some shine on the metal and some frames and or borders.



Well this was an interesting piece of art here, I like the "ABSTRACT" style here this one does need some backround though its a good piece, I would say this needs a couple of things to improve onto like the bland backround and also could have the screen size mich largee to show off much more of the details, anyways nice work.

Larger screen size for one, and some texture or a backround scene and not the bland white one.


Love the color

I really love the color here you have some nice artwork here the purples and light up points are really nice I think you can really put some glow on the pink light up spots but just an idea I think hope you keep making more stuff though

Really nice work but maybe some more glow on the pink light up parts



This is great, that very sweet beautiful angel that is actually a naughty girl, well that is the feeling I am getting from this. The eyes, the way she looks up at you, her hands tied up, is all very sexy and innocent. You make a story out of this, mind you a very adult story, but it is there. Her eyes are the best part because you know she is just full of mystery and trying to be innocent when she is NOT. The wings, bandaids, having her in a bra and heels, all of that really was interesting and hot. I don’t think this is smut or something purely about sex but classy sexy hot art you can appreciate. The background is like a tattoo and have great decals of roses and hearts, all fitting in with the overall theme and look here. I think you are doing great work so keep at it. And so we have another art piece here filled with some entertaining value aswell as some interesting art creativity and thats what I really look for so nice effort on bringing the differant elements together with this one. So I Applaud you on a good days efforts and work with this one allthough it probably took longer. You have shown the Desire in this piece, And now as I end this review on this awsome piece of work, great efforts here today, its always nice to see stuff like this come around the portal now and then.

Maybe more decals on the top and bottom of this artwork, not just the sides, make it more square and less unoccupied space.



Wow you have amazed me again with your dark and real art here. The pain and darkness really shines in this one. That red and that face really have some horric beauty. The deep reds mixed in with the blacks is visually appealing and gives off an almost 3D effect to the work. The splatter all over of the colors and darks is a breath of fresh air to your typical straight “stay in the lines” any artist can do. This stuff here is unique and speaks to me very deeply.

I think you need a background setting but the type of art this is doesn’t really call for that, but is it the only thing I’d try adding.


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