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Nice drawing

I have to say this is a very nice drawing I love the paper and pen work here love that added color you have like a glow, and bound up it seems another nice touch makes you wonder what kind of story is going on, but anyways nice drawing maybe even more color or even a color backround for extra measure and extra effects.

adding some color base backround would be a huge plus here or the whole piece being colored.



Ok this one here is neat and different. I do think you need work with anatomy of you are going to be adding arms to a basic human shape. The blue hair and skin are colored and drawn out very well. I would like to see more of a background from you instead of just black. Maybe some effects around her arms like casting a spell. This is neat overall And really liked what you did with this one, so keep that kind of work going strong. So I was pretty pleased with this you have outdone yourself, on this and this one has all the great elements in the right places, you do good work. maybe adding a Twist here and there would give it a more unique feel and look, but might be nice with some extra changes.

Take a look at other 4 armed creatures anatomy and how to place the arms in a morw fluid way. Also get a nice background in there with effects.


Haha cute

I like the ending when he is running away but have to say this one was a good idea really funny and amusing but then again all your work is funny and its my kind of humor just like this comic stip is so props to you on a beautifull piece here, really good stuff indeed.



I can see where you were going with this, the feeling over anxiety with overwhelming amount of things going on here and there. It is like a choas in your world and the painting shows the chaos of their life. The cat has that calm look on here that the woman does not. You can tell with all the colors and patterns how much is going on in your head. I love it all and think it is true art. Your painting style and use of colors brings out a good story here. Keep it up, because its really good what you present us. And so I was pretty pleased with everything, I liked your ideas and concept with this piece, There could be be some extra details, but I will get into that later, So you have some nice work here and I do look forward to seeing what else you can do here.

I love it as is, maybe some small polish here or there, but not by much.


Girl holding purple flame

So this was some really nice work here, I love the texture in the backround and the purple flam she is holding up, I do think you could have more deep purples in that flame and have a "GLOW" surrounding it just give it that full effect the hair the face and structure of the whole character is really some solid work.

I do think you could have more deep purples in that flame and have a glow surrounding it just give it that full effect


Very cute

Now this was pretty cute I love all the different faces and black and white heads that are swallowing up the colored characters, this one seems like it could use a frame around it or something, but its a good art submission here it reminds me of black and white swallowing up color so nice work here.

seems like it could use a frame around it or something


Fire drill lol

Well that one made me smile then chuckle haha so nice job there, seems like you executed a good joke but also thaught this one could have gone a little longer but anyways very nice submission here it was entertaining as always, hope to see more soon from you. anyways untill the next great entry.


Great 200th Comic entry

So this was a great 200th entry love how its supper long even, and the first super long one too but also love how you did this in color and was just overall a great 200th episode or entry as they say, but have to say you outdid yourself here and made a very enjoyble entry cant wait to come up on your other milestones keep it real and keep it going strong.


Lol funny

Haha ok this was funny and amusing I do enjoy the added color you have here, would have loved even more color but overall its good and the story was funny and amusing as always great stories you bring in here, so props to you for some fantastic comic entries, keep making great comic stuff..


Awsome again

Wow I really like what you have done here with a shaded in backround this is pretty nifty and gives the comic a different look about it, some added color would be nice maybe oneday in the future if you ever re-produce these older ones, but anyways another nice entry as always keep up the good work.


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