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Very nice

So this was a cool face or portrait I like the scar and the blue eyes, I think you should darken up the skin tone just a tad and show more blemishes and more "WOUNDS" and such just something that will represent a warriors face if you will, just an idea though.

I think you should darken up the skin tone just a tad and show more blemishes and more wound and cuts.


haha nice

Well I do have to say that these mini comic ones are kind of nifty again it reminds me of that old style stuff from newspaper comics but very nice use of color and well executed joke even so anyways nice work and I do think you should make more of these mini ones they are fun.


Very nice

Wow I have to say that this one was really amusing and funny, it actually does remind me of those old sunday comics on the newspaper the way you have it set up, so good toon here nice color and good characters as always and well executed joke even, so nice joke here.



I love the dark and lonely feeling that this gives off, you can see the pain in his eyes and more so when you add the coloring in there of the `RED`. I love your wings in the red too, but I think they need a bit more polishing, more shaping, this part feels a bit rushed. I do think it is good overall and having the original beside your try at coloring with photoshop was a nice touch. The BLOOD here and there over him also worked out well and gave this its darker element. I love the flow between the before and after art and it all works good. I wish there was more color, maybe more line work over the greys, darker elements here and there. I do love this though.

More colors, more work on the wings, good job for coloring though.


Nice character so this was a nice character you have here, those arm clamps could have some kind of "SHINE" and even sparkle and the "HAIR" could have a shine of some sort also, I would suggest making the canvus even larger as this was not very big but with a larger canvus you can show more detail and show off more points of focus.

make the whole Art piece larger with more detail and more stuff to see, a Larger canvus really allows all the detail to comeout, so maybe alarger canvus is something to think about. Adding some shine to the hair and the arm clmps aswell.


The matrix

So this was cool almost thinking maybe the backround should be darker for the green numbers to show off better, but regardless this was really gppd work and loved the whole matrix style here, nice character work, and nice idea too so nice work indeed, hope you make more stuff like this kind of stuff.


Very nice pixel

So this was pretty good for the pixel day thing and you made it simple not too complicated but it is pretty amazing all the different characters, I wouldnt mind some backround city of newgrounds in pixel form even. these are just some idea to think about, anyways keep up the fantastic work.

Some backround city in pixel form.


Bird is the Word

I like this bird lady, it kind of reminds of anime in its style, or video game art the way she has the one eye showing and thumbs up expression. I love your beach background, it gives that feeling of fun off to the theme here. I think the May character is having a good time in the sun and water and you got her showing her enjoyment. I only think you just put some textures into the feathers, give it a bit more here and there to make a completed look.

I would say add some texture to the feathers and it will have a more completed look.



I like the idea that you put in real topics from the news thats always cool, You have some creative and imaginitive ideas here especially with these characters you really put down some ideas and made them work and now you have this fantastic comic series so props to you on the creative ideas of this as a whole, Make more soon, I look forward to more.



Very nice like the blood part very much nice to see some good action in these, another cool piece of the comic here and I like how there are different adventures in alot of these making each comic entry different in its own way, but with this one it was pretty entertaining and love the outcome of this one esepcially with that content so nice work indeed.


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