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So these are pretty good, reminds me of those "FUNNY-FACE" artists you see on a boardwalk drawing, seems like you have the same idea here I would love to see you ad some color on this maybe even a frame and larger view size ofcourse, anyways nice job good stylish black and white drawing here.

I would love to see you ad some color on this maybe even a frame and larger view size ofcourse


Very nice

I do always like when you make your own style of texts and fonts. The fonts here are very organized and colorful. I think the reds go together and I love that you put a background around the font, and also a border type to the font itself. The fire inside the wording is nice but not too sharp in terms of fire. I would have edited the lines of the red to have more of a point and sharp look as those decals in red fire tend to do. If this was not your intent, I still feel it will look much better with this addition and maybe even match it with the yellows when you execute it. I think the font style for "FEAR" is a nice touch and obviously original. I do think the "A" in the word needs a bit more length as it is tending to look like a backwars "R". Good job overall with this one, it is one of your more memorable and enjoyable doodles.

As stated above, but mostly focus on the red looked more sharp in the edges like fire and the font A could use some more, but I did like this.


Cyberdevil responds:

Good points, thanks!

This was cool

So this kind of reminded me of some "PIXEL" it was a bit small though and you should think about making this larger even as old as it is being a larger view could show off more of the details, wouldnt mind some backround detail also but as always have a good day.

it was a bit small though and you should think about making this larger even as old as it is being a larger view could show off more of the details



Well ok "WOW" this is great, I dont understand the rating system on this one, why it is rated so low as this one here is super "CREATIVE" and good. I think this one here has all the elements of a mind that has great ideas and should not be held back by them. Each section of this piece has something going on, something new, something to draw your eyes to it. The level of detail here is also amazing and has good "CHARACTERS" inside each section. The look is somewhat of that of a comic and something otherworldly, but fascinating. The apocolypse feeling you've created and shown here is great. You have this really interesting red/black background starting at the very back and that builds into things going forward from it. The reds and blacks in textures and shades really worked here and was one of my favorite aspects of this piece. The overall flow here also looked good from going to scene to scene with different characters. The fire and effects you've drawn inside most of your
elements was also nice and a good representation of what you were going for in that apocolypse theme.

I think however the things that needed to be "FIXED" or improved on were the lack of "COLORING" in some areas of this picture. Some buildings are not colorized and seem to be just white or the color of the paper you used. It feels unfinished when you do not complete a full set of builldings with colorization and then have some other buildings have that coloring. I would go back and add up some color here to just make it more consistent with more of a flow, because leaving it to not match the rest of the work really makes this feel unfinished. I do like it overal tho, so it was a great addtion to the portal and I look forward to more of these from you.

Keep all the buildings looking the same in terms of colorization and filled in textures. You want things to not appear unfinished.


Pretty cool looking

So this was cool so it being "BLUE" there must be lots of ocean on the planet I think all you need now on here is some stars in the surrounding areas and such, just a small idea that could make this a nifty piece, you made it really look like a planet though.

all you need now on here is some stars in the surrounding areas


Kind of small

Well this was something, the black and white is cool but some added color would make this much more vibrant, the whole piece was too "SMALL" though maybe you can make the view screen somewhat larger, so a larger view screen and some added color would be mu suggestion for this piece. nice animation though.

a larger view screen and some added color would be mu suggestion for this piece



Wow I have to say this was really amazing I love the "CICULAR" view on this one, all the colors seem to have blended well, and her design itself was welldone and an amazing piece of work you have here, so nice job on this love the art style you bring to the portal and hope you continue to bring many more great pieces.

Its perfect as is.


Very nice

So this was really nice I love the shading and pencil strokes I think thats "PENCIL" anyways, its dark in the shades and its a "INTIMATE" visual but nothing too revealing so still kept classy, very beautifull linework, one thing I tend to suggest alot is on pieces like this you could ad some frame or border that would make it feel more like a gallery piece this is something I might see in an art museum.

I tend to suggest alot is on pieces like this you could ad some frame or border that would make it feel more like a gallery piece


DrSevenSeizeMD responds:

Thanks! It is pencil, just regular old art pencils in my sketchbook then scanned. The lighter areas I erased. (No chalk or white added)

Love this

This is by far my fave piece from you, this one must have taken you a long time its really deep in texture, and has a huge "REALISTIC" visual here love the leaves especially redish, Maybe more shine comming off the side of the trees just a small idea there, anyways really beautifull piece here.

Maybe more shine comming off the side of the trees


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