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Amazing wow you sure do know how it should look this was very beautiful piece thouse even the red tones just mesh into each other very well nice props and a decent background very nice idea you have here and very talented structure you have here so nice job on this one I think this is some raw visual and you should think about doing more like this one it's a very good piece


Another good piece

And here was another beautiful piece very sensual and her form is very beautiful so you did her justice some of the shades and shadows it seems we're just right very nice value study here on this one I love this style and yours very nice indeed I hope you make more of these that would make for a nice set but as for improvement don't think it needs anything maybe a frame to be more like a gallery piece


Nice finish

A very nice finish here and we'll executed candle and wax created work some nice subjects they teach you in school this was a good finish shot here too and. Love the view shot even a nice elegant piece even with the candle lit up like that so nice job I think a colored mirror base might of had a small different effect but this did just fine it seems so anyways keep up the amazing work here


Very cool

Now I have to say this value study looks really good you did some amazing work on this one the dorm the structure the look and expression on the face just very nice work indeed I would love to see you make more people like this and see what comes of it for the most part this was your talented style at a shine so nice work here and look forward to to even more from you



So this was pretty cool and this is something I have not seen done much of or maybe not at all on here on the grounds so props to you for being creative with this and it's nice to see some animation to show the progressive moments of the candle and such so overall this was cool and I really enjoyed this piece so all in all this was a great piece of artwork I really like the effort in this one



So this was cool I like the idea of replicate another artists style and I have to say that you have done a fantastic job on this one a really nice scene and shows like action is happening so nice job all the way around on this one I love the idea here as it shows so much detail and you are already talented with your style so made this one a pleasant one anyways keep up the amazing work as always



And another nice piece of artwork you have here with some interesting style the use of color is very nice and very vibrant you use the colors well and no line work is always as amazing so nice detail here and congrats on the front page award to well deserving but anyways live your style and always looking forward to even more from you untill next time



This one is not as dark as some of your other stuff this one has a fresh and feel good look the white background could use something more back there maybe a lined pattern or even brush of paint and such overall this was notbad at all I like the fresh look and you are as always talented so keep making great stuff indeed I look forward to more



This is a neat little title page you have. It is almost like a logo you can use or something you can make for a watermark. Is that what you were intending? Was Cyberz always your name you wanted to be known for? If not, I would do this as your full NG name so people know where to look you up and how to associate your profile with your submissions. You wouldn't want to get lost in the name being a misunderstanding. In terms of the art, the orange shading in the orange text for each letter is very good. I enjoyed you using your own created font again and I did think you used good details. The black lines beside the words is nice too, but it needs more in terms of the background. Those lines just aren't enough, unless you plan to make a transparent background for logo purposes.

Add some background content to this one or make it your full NG name to not confused people.


Cyberdevil responds:

Again with the backgrounds! XD Thanks though. And yes, it is a logo of sorts. I don't think I was as careful about adhering to a single name back then, I had a few other aliases too, and twisted them around a bit like this sometimes, but right now that'd definitely be a good idea. Thanks for commenting!

And another

And here you have another fancy "FACE" this one could use a "GREEN" border for sure with some added color now the black and white by itself is actually pretty good and I like the style here but some added color and suggested frame work would be a nice suggestion, keep making great stuff.

some added color and suggested frame work would be a nice suggestion


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