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Wow nice

This was very nice I love the form of the legs they came out well I wouldn't mind more shine on the legs from the lighting source but overall this was pretty good very good indeed great form of the character nice style and great expression on the character so all in all this is a great piece of art here and look forward to even more so keep doing what you do best here and keep up the style as I do enjoy your work



I see you have participated in the contest as well as some of my good friends here, but you did something interesting and changed it up with some color. Did you want to be different or make noticed? I think it works either way, and I always like color inside art more than the normal or simple black and white. I think this one here is a good submission for the contest, and even tho that has ended, I do wish you luck on future contest and endeavors as this one here is good work and has a lot of good things going on. I like the recreation of the main character and the props you've done as well. The faded background, almost like a page background, is a nice touch and adds something to it even more. I do wish you'd elimate the white space you have going on here, maybe crop it out more to have less white space and closer to the background. all and all a good submission and entry for a contest.

Get rid of the white space by cropping it out


Cyberdevil responds:

Well, both, I suppose! Since the game's as dark as it is I went with a brighter take on it too. Always that white space hmm... think centering it could've definitely made a difference though. Thanks for commenting!


And here we are once again with another beautifull piece of art, the "COLOR" is pretty amazing love the "PURPLES" especially on this one and the character itself as always amazing you show off your talent in somany ways, Maybe adding some shine or sparkle to the top of the headphones since its looks like a crown would be a nice idea, you have a nact for this character design style very nicfty stuff here.

Maybe adding some shine or sparkle to the top of the headphones since its looks like a crown would be a nice idea



This was really a nice "VIBRANT" piece you have here love the bright glowing points almost looks neon and that made it look pretty cool very nice indeed here, Now I wouldnt mind some more glowing aspects in the distance or backround just little stuff that could really glow and shine, anyways nice art here

I wouldnt mind some more glowing aspects in the distance or backround just little stuff that could really glow and shine



Ok well this seems like something you did to practice with and nothing really you were working on. I get a feeling this was a character design concept. I don't find them to all be bad, but they are definitely works in progress. I think the skull thing in the bottom corner is your best one and you have certainly improved from this since then. I hope you add more red to it in the future and maybe draw it more like blood, as this comes off more like red pain on the skull. The others are okay, but nothing spectacular. I don't mean they are bad, but nothing I can add in terms of improvement. I do think the robot's arms a bit too long. I think each of these should have their own separate submission and try to have them each have a background to really enhance the art.

Needs improvement in all the characters, I would not submit them together and do something for each one, but good job overall on your earlier attempts.


Cyberdevil responds:

WIP or OLD. :) Good feedback, thanks!

Another good piece

I really like what you have done here the character is nice and the dead guy behind the main character gave me a little chuckle so it was amusing and adorble so really nice work here you have some amazing styles of art here Some typ of added backround would be a nice little detail point on this one, and love the character work you put in

Some typ of added backround would be a nice little detail point on this one



So this was really nifty I like the group of characters here and all the extra props around them the weapons the little elements in the backround it all seemed to come together very nicely, great form of characters, and an amazing backround detail I dont think this art piece needs anything its solid work and a beautifull piece of art. so really nice job here you have done.

I dont think this art piece needs anything its solid work and a beautifull piece of art.


Very cute piece

And here was something with cuteness all over it with some adorable visual the silky pants with I think could have more shine on it maybe her too could have more shine on it as well you have a good character structure here and made it very adorable with all the right colors used and balanced out very well so with all that said nice art work as always and make more great pieces for us all to enjoy


Very nice

So this was notbad this was actually pretty good I love the black and white theme you have here and that shine on the sword is pretty good the creature in the background with the eyes and teeth could have more glow on the eyes and maybe a sparkle on the teeth would be a nice little polish to ad on these or this piece but anyways really nice work here love your style


Very nice work here

While this is a subtle piece it's still an amazing art piece here you have shown some nice detail some nice formation of the characters and some very well used colors I love the subtle Coolers I could see you adding some subtle colored frame or border for this and make it a nice little frames piece it's so colorfully a nice frame might do it some justice very nice work here though and very talented as always


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