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I did think this one was funny, but this piece right here has the elements of a comic strip or comic sketch. I think the guy is a bit too blended into the art tho, he seems lost in the background when his head comes out. I think he needs some shadows and depth to show us he isn't part of the road or the background. I do like your background tho and it is always nice to see you make those in your work when you use your ink or drawing style. I see a lot of your work without backgrounds and I am always pleased when you add one up, but this one is good and I found the character to be comical with his big "YO". I don't understand why you didnt make the font of the "YO" yourself as usually your fonts are much bigger and original with your own hand writing. I would hope next time you use your own drawing text font skills to add to the pieces you do with any speech bubbles. I do like this one and it made me laugh. I hope to see this character again sometime and I am impressed with the direction that you took with this.

Just add some more depth to his head sticking out so it doesn't get lost in the background and maybe do your own font for the speech bubbles.


Cyberdevil responds:

Hmm well I guess it was a bit rushed since the font's a basic one, or I was just experimenting with styles back then. Good points on depth there!

This was an interesting piece

Not sure what your intent was on this one, and I know this is an old piece but still would be interesting to understand the intent of this piece, I personally still find this one to be abstract and artistic in its own way, and some addition of glowing and lighting effects could make this more apealling, but regardless I do like the effort.

some addition of glowing and lighting effects could make this more apealling


Cool Design

I love these types with everything "BUNCHED" in there together and some hidden visuals and messges in there, you should ad a colored frame on this to accent it more, And here is another cool design you have the drawing sketch and or design you have presented here is pretty amazing, Not alot of people like these types because of no color or not much color but I like these they are pretty nifty, they bring a sense of style and "FLAVOR" without all the color.

you should ad a colored frame on this to accent it more



So this was cool, and acually notbad at all with a very deep "GREEN" here I could see you adding more of a "GLOW" in green and shine and sparkle of the wording I would even suggest the blood have more of a shine to it also, but besides all that this was actually pretty good art style and a logo here so keep up the good work.

I could see you adding more of a Glow in green and shine and sparkle of the wording I would even suggest the blood have more of a shine to it also



Ok well I do like this one even if this one here is very simple. Wow nice detail and love this in the grey and purple areas. I think you should have and can still add some type of borders or maybe even frames to it or maybe add up more color with some effects of the snow overtop of all of this piece. I know you've got some snow in the background. I like the background but wish you added more color in the background where the buildings are. The snowball was nice, like it was looking over the city wanting to play and wanting to get out there. I think that symbolism was a good attempt and well done. You have something different and simple here, but it does shine as a good piece. Maybe shine over the windows and the overall setting having more than just the purple, but that was what you intended so I do not mind that. anyways very nice work here and was very impressed with this one as it is some of your best work indeed. I think overall this was a nice okay piece of art and very symbolic so I did enjoy that.

Add a bit of color or some more detail in the buildings.


Cyberdevil responds:

All good suggestions, thanks!

Love it

So this was really cool, I really love the "COLOR" lots of different color and patterns and made this a nice design here the character was pretty cool, and just a beautiful and colorfull piece you have here so nice job indeed, I love the style here, I may suggest adding some even more vibrant colors and lines just to spice it up even more, Anyways nice work you have here.

I may suggest adding some even more vibrant colors and lines just to spice it up even more


bunzart responds:

Uh, thanks? I mean you didn't give it a bad rating so I can't complain there lol.

Ok this was different

Ok not bad a bit different and a bit small, not to much to say here due to lack of much content, but sometimes less is more. I get what you were doing here, but I feel like there was more to this doodle in the corner of the page and you cut it off? I would have loved to see all the things you drew down on the full page and not just this little "BIT" here. I like the line work and the way you are once again creating your own text "FONT" and the overall placement of the symbols was a good way to go in terms of positioning and how to draw your eyes in. The big expressive burst around the font was nice and really enhanced the idea of this being important as those symbols mean, so you were able to associate the symbols with a bit of art as well, good job on that. I would have loved to see more and had color in this, it would have really completed the piece for me and I hope to see the rest from you in a later time frame.

Add up some color here and show the rest of your doodles as I feel more was here and hidden.


Cyberdevil responds:

Less is more, yes, I'm glad you're started to get that impression with these! :D I think most of the page was just regular text/notes, but I think the surrounding bits do well as a sandbox/surrounding, where the big doodle's the main emphasis. Elaborate review as always, thanks!

Very nice work

I especially love the animation and the focus in and out of the animation gave the effect more of a "REALISIM" to the whole art piece here, would have even been better if there was an explosion afterwards but regardless you have some more beautifull artwork here very nice indeed, so nice job as always and keep making great creative characters and designs.

would have even been better if there was an explosion afterwards



Wow this one was really good and interesting with all the "BLOOD" kind of reminds me of myself the other day when I was in the gernie and had two ivs hooked up lol, but regardless this was a good piece here love the flowing blood you have in this one, Dont think there is really anything to really change or upgrade here as this was a solid work of art at its best, very nice animation and beautifull art work here.

Dont think there is really anything to really change or upgrade here as this was a solid work of art at its best.


Very nice

So I like the idea here and this particular piece has a very "TRUMP-ESK" vibe maybe its the hair not usre but thats what I got from this, I could see giving the reds more depth of texture but other then that you actually have created a beautiful character design smooth and fresh and you really bring out some nice ideas with this and the whole magizine theme.

I could see giving the reds more depth of texture


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