Very nice
I do always like when you make your own style of texts and fonts. The fonts here are very organized and colorful. I think the reds go together and I love that you put a background around the font, and also a border type to the font itself. The fire inside the wording is nice but not too sharp in terms of fire. I would have edited the lines of the red to have more of a point and sharp look as those decals in red fire tend to do. If this was not your intent, I still feel it will look much better with this addition and maybe even match it with the yellows when you execute it. I think the font style for "FEAR" is a nice touch and obviously original. I do think the "A" in the word needs a bit more length as it is tending to look like a backwars "R". Good job overall with this one, it is one of your more memorable and enjoyable doodles.
As stated above, but mostly focus on the red looked more sharp in the edges like fire and the font A could use some more, but I did like this.