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Another nifty piece

So here was another nifty art piece a great charchter design you have here the pose is just beautiful and very alurring really nice job on this piece love the detail in the bed and the pants some really nice shading you have on this one so nice job indeed not sure what else to improve on this maybe more shine on the skintone with some sparkle here and there anyways keep up the amazing work as always



So this was a different style then you normally do this was pretty nifty actually I like the vibe of this it's almost zombie like but I like the form and pose of the character and the background was notbad either you have a nice style and good design here good charchter actually I would suggest make the tatts more darker and visable anyways awesome job as always


Wow nice

So this was pretty good this reminds me of a form of a T-Rex but regardless very nice work here once again and some amazing detail love the shades color on the skin-tone and the chart is a great idea I think if you added some form or border or frame so this was a nice art piece and look forward to even more from you keep the amazing work a float I will always be glad to review your works of fantastic art


Very nice indeed

And here was another nice piece very well done on the character I especially like what you did here with the legs and how the form is from muscle tone to portinate so very well done job there and nice detail love the background even I think more design could have gone into the background but overall you have done a fantastic job once again with some amazing talent that you always seem to bring to the front lines


Very nice

So this was cool this was it's own style of some artwork and good style and for a good cause hope it all helps I actually love dairy Queen never worked there but the blizards are delish but nice art piece you have here some nice visuals and lot of logos I lost count about 20 ish lol anyways nice changes here it's it's own unique creation anyways keep up the good work



So this was cute I like the fresh look you have here on this piece with some Valentine's love for the singles lol but anyways the fresh look is kicking good here I do think that the white outter border could use more depth or even some shine to it for the most part you have captured the style you have described so nice work indeed on this fine and fresh looking piece here

Some depth in the outter white border



Wow this is really nice work here the black and white comics is really nice and in each frame there is a new and exciting scene of action the detail in each piece is very swell and well detailed now I could see you adding some color like maybe just the frames could be a red so it all accents each other somehow but anyways that's my take on things hope you keep making comics and detailed art like this one

Maybe some red frames


Nice designs

Yeah I have to say this one is really good it has some nifty face expression and you really braught out the design on theme I do like all three but have to say my fave here is most probably the last one the grumpy face one lol anyways nice grid like background now this is one of those pieces I would love to see a border or fancy kind of frame on it and that's just a view point anyways keep up the brilliant work



Some really nice view here and lots of Pokemon here you really pushed the limits on this piece lots of nice art pieces and this is one of the best with quality finishes here and lots of nifty Pokemon and stylish background very deep in background and some nice deep texture as well you have once again made another beautiful piece of art very nice work here hope to see more soon



Wow this one right here is just great, I mean this one is full blown in details of wonderful colors. I think the blues really stand out the most here, I really am enjoying this one. The level of detail and skill you've put into this is something right out of a professional handbook. I think the concept is great too and even your font is original and colored with such a deep and vibrant red. The red really shines and comes off of all those blues and makes a nice pop that stands out from the rest, and it is important for text to stand out and not be lost in the all other business and elements going on in an art piece. The cat has this great elements of surprise that you have created by drawing these bright big eyes and the body posture of a cat that is freaked out. I love the way you allowed the shadows and shading to hide the cat but kept the eyes bright to show that element of surprise and make sure it stood out from the rest of things to focus your own eyes on this part. The red barron is also nice to be positioned as he is and the overall body posture shows you that he is your main character and seem to have accomplished a goal. Your environmental setting was also well established as a sort of run down area of the streets and you did that by creating this nicely done torn up spaced out fence. I think that by making things a bit run down on a sidewalk, you showed us what your setting was and it made sense why the cat would be there. I don't think I have much here to improve on, you have covered every area of space here with details, textures, colors, shades, and dept. You have a story going on and I am entertained by each element and each detail. You clearly put effort into this and it has paid off. I think this is perfect as it is. I hope to see more from you soon and keep up the good work, I look forward to more.

Nothing to change, I like this one the way it is.


MindChamber responds:

Thanks so much for that in-depth review! Much appreciated

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