Ok in terms of anime "STYLE-AND-FAN-ART" this one was good. I think you made a good effort to reimage something you enjoy and recreate the character here. I do like the scar details and the overall body positioning. The eyes and the facial features show his emotions and that is always a bonus and good thing to do with "ANIME-CHARACTERS". They are so filled with emotion you need to represent that "CHARACTERS-EMOTIONS" well and I think you did a good job here. I think also maybe that you need to add some shades and shines to this one. The only real thing it is lacking is the depth of the shadowing and overall shine an anime character would posses. I would add a shine to the tooth and maybe shadows around the eyes and neck area. Your basic shadowing and shading for any standard character whereever the sun would be hitting them. It allows for more realness, even if it is a cartoon, as it builds on the character and adds that depth. I think the hair needs more textures as well, not just a solid main color, maybe shading it some hairs or the way the hair would flow, but you did include "WHITE-LINES" to show the hair "MOVMENT-AND-STYLE", which I did like that you added this detail. Overall the main face and the scar is your best part of this character and I would hope that you'd add up the things discussed here as it would make it a more professional looking anime. A "BACKROUND" would not hurt either, to make it more like a scene from the anime. I do love what you've done and hope to see more soon.
Add up a background and add shadows and shading details to this character.