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Great submission

So as always another great submission you have here the characters are brilliantly done nice detail and you bring a nice adventure to this one aswell so nice job there, and hope you keep making a good comic series like you have done here, so keep up the good work.

I think the im sorry text bubble should be bigger since its a moments and ending point.


Brilliant comic again

I cant get over how detailed your comic is you bring a sense of detail and stylish outcome, the stories play off well for themself, and you bring some really good stories and ideas and make them work very well so for that alone I give you a pat on the back for a story well done.

No changes here this was a solid entry


Nice comic

So this was a nice comic you have here, it was pretty colorful and a nice interface of how the visual of this comic is, love the character work and nice style here, you bring a sense of adventure to this series and make it a fun web comic thats exciting and entertaining.

In the last frame maybe some stars over his head would be nice just to show off he is dazed



So this was pretty cool, I love the visual behind her a very good detailed character and her simple look about it all was nice, my suggestion for improvement might be more texture in her hair or even a shine in her hair, but overall this was a pretty good piece of artwork here.

my suggestion for improvement might be more texture in her hair or even a shine in her hair


IketheGhost responds:

Thanks for the tip! c:


Okay this one here, this one will be a fave for me as I love a good "CLOWN" and this one here is very sinister and happy and I love that kind of clown LOL almost like he is evil and wants to take your soul or just candy or maybe just creep out the kiddies. I think the smile was the best part here as you made a focus of sharp teeth and big mouth to drawn you into a clown feature and creepy atmosphere. I think the hair is similar to that of Bozo the Clown and that is always good to drawn on as it was one of the more famous ones. I think using red for the hair and some in the face is a big clown color and it is good you used that to keep things on the right track, it also gives that more sinister look down for this "CHARACTER". More so the "RED" under the eggs that implies you've crushed or killed something with this egg and the clowns help was very nice indeed. While your last Easter piece was fun and "WHOLESOME", this is sinister and dark. I like that you can do contrasts in work like that with the same theme of the holiday. I also love the egg and the shaping with the text in front. It really pops out that text and draws you into it when you first look at the work. I think tho that the background is a bit too white, I would have loved some hell fire, or maybe a red setting backgrounds, something to keep with your theme and not just a plain white, but still a good piece overall and interesting to see you different things for Easter.

Just add more of a background with that sinister look and feeling, but nice overall.


Cyberdevil responds:

Maybe all of the above. XD And I agree with the background on this one, could've used something stronger! Thanks again for all these comments!

Cool stuff

The "DISTANT-COUSIN" lol nice idea here, Once again a nice comic this one being of the early days with the early sketchs and characters some shades and little to no color but they seemed to work well and only get better in time, but all in all this was still a great start of a comic story as it is even now.


Wow nice

Nice added "COLOR" even if it was "POOP" lol, Wow I have to say this was pretty nice, a good sunmission if you ask me, even with little color or detail it was more about the story and outcome results and on that part you get an A plus, so nice work indeed, and I hope to see much more of your stuff, the story drives this one more then the detail.


This was pretty cool

So this was really nifty character you have here and I think you could have gone with more "TEXTURE" on the skintone but what you did have was pretty impressive and more style love all the little detail, the vibrant colors theme here was pretty good too if you ask me.

some slight more texture and meshed color.


IketheGhost responds:

Well hey thanks, I'll be sure to work on that!

Awsome again

Well executed "JOKE" with the "BOOK" And once again I am amazed at this fantastic piece of story into the comic very welldone some good adventure in this entry and you made me laugh and thats whats important, so props to you for that and props to you on a fun little submission here of this great comic series.


Amazing entry

I like the "BLOOD" at end and even in color, Wow I have to say that this one really gave me a smile and even chuckle, and to do that just on these characters and this comic was a nice touch, you have impressed me, even if this is black and white and thats ok, not as detailed as others but still the humor comes out good on this one.


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