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Very neat

Wow this one is very neat the clouds are so detailed and deep with texture and even the sky has nice textures with your line art. A very nice work, the "UFO" is unique and actually seems a bit happy. It tells a story that something is happening with using very rich details. I am not sure about improvement here, maybe a sunburst effect where the sun is as the ufo flys over, more shine inside the ufo inself would also be a bonus, but overall good work on something neat and unique.

Some light on the sun


Cyberdevil responds:

Wasn't so happy with the black outlines on this one myself, but glad you seem to see it in a different light! :) Feedback noted!


I like the snow element Well as always you have made another amazing piece and I have loved reviewing lots of these submissions you put through just sorry I didnt get to review them when they went live, I know they come out a bit slower now a days, but as for this entry you braught out the best antics possble.

You should make more of theses snow element comics


Great contributor

Miss clicking is not good at times lol You have been a great contributor to this site with all the comics you bring here, it has been a pretty amazing run and it doesnt seem to be ending and that was a real plus of things so very nice work there anyways this particular comic you bring out the detail and make it look good.

make more of these fun adventures no changes needed on this one.



The face in there is pretty good I think more more frame or border on this would be nice, I like the detail in this drawing and like the stylish resluts, this goes to show you dont need color to make it amazing and you have made some amazing things here very beautiful black and white drawing and or sketch here so nice work indeed, I look forward to much more from you.

I think more more frame or border on this would be nice


GabrielLoganStudios responds:

Thank you very much! Honestly, this drawing was done in a very dark time for me, and maybe that shows a little bit in the black and white pallet along with the overall style depicted. I appreciate that you feel the way you do, though, and your feedback is very much so considered. Funny enough, some of my more recent Art 101 drawings include more established frames and it does make it look nicer in many respects. I will definitely take that into account with a couple future projects, as I think it might bring the overall work out a lot more.

Thanks again for the review, and I hope you stick around to see what I have in store next! :)

Very nice comic

The comic is good, the joke was executed well, I think you could make a series out of this one, So Kudo's to you on this piece, Its not everyday you can come across stuff like this as these kinds of works are different and unique, and thats exactly what you have made here. Love the Flair about this piece. It was also Symbolic in its own way, This was one of my fave pieces by you and I was pretty proud of the work you have done here today and hope you make more stuff like this. So keep doing what you do you bring style to the art portal. you have put it all swell Appropriately.

I think you could make a series out of this one



Well this one is dark, mysterious, subtle and very very good work and the amount of details and overall balance you give off this piece of art is good. I love the fact you've used shadow art, like shadow puppets almost to showcase your theme and aesthetic. The main character off into the distance makes me wonder what is going on or if there is some sinister plan here. I like how he is not really centered and not up close to give off that mystery for the character. The outline of his body and clothing was really nice and gave a noir dream like feeling with that mystery I was discussing. The trees surround your piece of arts main focus and main story by almost becoming a border to focus your eyes inside it. I think that was a great creative way to have you focus on the actual main story and something very different. I do find however that the blurriness of the trees is a bit too much. Yes they should be blurred but you could tone it back a few ticks on the photoshop blur effect next time as I think it would be good to see more of those vein like tree branches in a bit more crisp detail, but yes you need to blur it to focus in on the main story and main art going on in the middle of the submission.Art that gives a story is the best kind of art you can have and here you have a story. I am not sure what that one black line behind him is tho, is that an arm of another person dying on the ground or something more sinister? Clearly something has been attacked and the main character is walking away having done it. What a great way to portray a story with all this black and shadow type style, I think you put real effort into this one. I would love to see more of these in the future and maybe even a series about what is going on with this mysterious figure in the darkness.

Nothing to really change except maybe blurring of the trees on the sides could be reduced a few ticks on your blur effect in photoshop.



Wow this was amazing work, this one right here had some really nice lines. So far here you have really formed some detail in each character or demonic character and I think some extra shades here and even doing a color version would be nice to try out next time around, maybe with blood and hell fire, because the simple all black can not help me focus on one aspect and draws my eye all over the place, but anyways nice job, nice design as always.

Some color inside the character and hell fire would be nice


Cyberdevil responds:

I think you'll find your feedback fully implemented a few Inktober pieces over. ;) Thanks.

Very nice

So this was pretty cool a couple of great characters here and almost seems like they are in some sort of action scene here, the "COLORS" are pretty deep too a dark red with purple hair just looks fresh and sharp so nice job on this piece indeed, the backround seems like it could use some small added detail maybe some lighted windows on the city buildings or something along them lines, besides that this was pretty cool.

the backround seems like it could use some small added detail maybe some lighted windows on the city buildings or something along them line



So this was a nice piece here and a good form on the mega man character, the shine is good I think adding more shine would be a plus, also adding more backround would also be a nifty idea to ad onto this, but regardless this was pretty amazing hope to see more soon.

I think adding more shine would be a plus, also adding more backround would also be a nifty idea to ad onto this


Very cool comic series

haha great joke here You so you have a very cool comic series here I hope to be as inspired as you are because these are pretty impressive and have enjoyed them since the start allthough I love color and detail and wish you had more of that but what you do have is pretty impressive, so keep the good work up.

You should make these somewhat longer.


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