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Well this was cool

I like that you have dash it was always the lesser of the rascals but regardless I found this piece to do pretty well and I liked the art work especially on dash nice form and a nice action scene you have going on here here some added lighting effects in the background might help more on this piece but overall this was a nice piece of art and great group of characters anyways good work here

Some added lighting effects in the background



So here was a very nice action scene here I love that lighting from the ball but think you could have gone one step further and made the beam of light much more domminant and brighter and with more of a glow about it that's my take on improvments but you have a nice work of art and charchter here so I do look forward to much more of what you have to offer us anyways untill next time keep making awsome stuff

Some added light and glow to the beam of light



Well I have to say you really outdid yourself here with this one and the work shows off well the character alone has some intense detail with some even more nicer background elements I love all the detail in the character and like all that glow from the yellow moon I think more lighting and glow effects could come from that moon linging and down onto your charchter but overall this was kind of nice

More glow from the moon in background


Really nice detail

Some really nice detail on this one I love all the color and all the deep textures your ideas are good and it shows off well in this showcase of your work some really nice elements of work here I really had fun with this one I do think some added texture in the white shaded stuff would be a nice touch up on this but overall you have done a nice job n this piece of work with all of it's nice detail

Some added shades and texture in the white parts


Oh nice

Now this was something nice here it was really deep in texture and a nice form of the character really deep detail in this one I like it

No changes on this one it was a well-done piece


Wow nice

Wow I love this piece you really have something nice here the background alone is pretty amazing I wish people did more background work like this with there art pieces so props to you for going the extra mile and the head itself very nice form and nice lines here I really liked it maybe some added shine on the top of his head would be a nice detail anyways that's my take on things and I liked it

As mentioned above


Very nice work

And here you have an amazing charchter I love the form of the character and the pose is good that sword was nice I do think you should ad some shine and sparkle comming off of the sword though it was lacking a little with some added shine overall a really nice charchter on the hunt in a cold world so really nice job here on this awsome piece of work so keep up the amazing work

Some added shine to the sword and even charchter



So this was pretty good I like the style here and the title seemed to work well on this one and some nice art here some good expression on the face I do think some added dripping blood would have been a cool option here on this one maybe even some background detail and or props but besides all that this was actually really good and a nice art piece of work here I liked your style here on this one and do look forward to much more of what you have planned

Some background detail and more dripping blood


Very nice

So this was notbad I love what you did with the eyes here they are really deep looking I kind of like that there was no color in this piece it's a nice piece

Some added color or at least a colored frame on this piece here



Well hmmm this one is okay I am just not sold on the idea of this and I can see how it never really made it to a game. I will say that it is full of good ideas and great art. You have created a good mascot or hero here and he is just like you would picture a "CARDINAL-MAN" with his own game. The birds or cardinals themselves are nice to see and overall drawn the same and similar way as the cardinal-man, which is good for a consistent flow of characters. You want to establish that those are his kind but not necessarily his people. The coloring is nice, I like how you don't stay within the lines you've drawn but let a bit of color slip out of the edges to give it a nice clean but messy look. It always works well for you when you do that type of coloring. The character status bar at the top left corner was great as well. You used his bird-seed weapon in there as a counter for how much seed is left by having it inside a bird-bag or pounch. That pounch was nice to see and works well for this, as you can see the bird seed being low as he uses it. I did like the bird-seed as well because it has a lot of detail and you're able to draw many seeds and not get lost in the piece of art and you can follow each seed in a way that doesn't look confusing or too messy. The way he is throwing it as well is what you would expect from someone who isn't a human but a bird-man. The way he is standing is also nice because it is something that birds do, but I am not sure that was your goal there. I do like the color combinations of the suit he wears to match that of a cardinal bird. I think that was accurate and also the mask really worked for the cardianl look. I think overall here you had a good idea but I can see why you didn't do anything past a concept. This would have been a fun game, but I don't see much more than feeding birds, and as fun as that is, it isn't something to really draw in an audience.

Fine as it is but I can see why you did not move forward with this submission as a game, but as an art concept I'd love to see more of Cardinal Man.


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