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Wow this is cool

Ok this one here is something cool and interesting. I never thought I'd see an ad that is also great art. You obviously worked very hard on this one and I am really proud to say you contributed well to this site and the future of the site. The way you advertised each piece with text and detailing was spot on to get your audience looking and interested. The way you've seperated each piece of character or piece to purchase was also good. I think that really let it stand out from the rest of it and let you see what is going to be for each piece. Like you see how each thing you'll purchase looks and you aren't being fooled when it comes to what you're about to get. The way you've included prices beside it was smart but a bit small. I think that font size could have been put up a bit more in terms of trying to get people to see it when they are at a "CON" because these posters really need to stand out when people walk by quickly and if you cannot read the prices because they are too small, then you're going to run into problems. Each item has great detail, but my fave one of these is that "UNICORN" I wish I had one of those, I would love to display that and just make people come up to me wondering wtf is going on. I think overall you've created a great marketing poster to get people interested in the items. Your text font is good and I love the colors on colors so things don't get lost in here, and I think overall you've got a good eye for advertising and marketing to those people are cons. I hope to see more of this soon and hope NG goes to more "CONS" soon as well. You really made me wish I was there and I want to really go to one of these in the future, so please try to put the word in.

Just fit the size of the text in some parts and areas as it seems to really be small for a poster that you'll want people reading during a convention. Other than that, nothing to change a good job here.


Really good work

And here was something really "GOOD" I like the eyes especially and that glow was intense, so overall this was fine and in need of no changes, Something different and something unique and thats what really drew me to this its almost perfect with all that you did here, You have the skill, and the effort, I hope you keep that style up. but anywaysill get into more detail here now, love your style. And now Finally A little on the Overview of this review, I will checkout more of your work of arts but I will say that it was a pleasure and as This review nears its end you have made me interested in more of your style and art stuffs, and maybe even more Polish then this one had.

so overall this was fine and in need of no changes


Really nice color

Now this was something different and the color is "AMAZING" I love the different patches in this I did think some added brighter points and some darker but overall this was pretty good and you have a nice element here as a whole this was a beautifull and artistic piece here.

I did think some added brighter points and some darker but overall this was pretty good


Mmm peach

Ok well I do like a peach now and then, something sweet and you've got a good idea of the look of one going on here. You are using your ink style for this and I like that, I like the lines of textures you have created as well. I like the overall feeling of it that is gives off too. I would love to see you have more peaches next time or attach it to perhaps a tree or something? It would be nice to add it to a bit more of a background setting as fruit alone can be a bit dule. Overall tho it is a pretty piece and interesting fruit concept.

as mentioned above, needs a background and more of a setting


Cyberdevil responds:

Well it's just one because: master peach, you know. ;) Glad you liked the texture though! I was pretty happy with that too. Was experimenting with a few different hues instead of just brighter/darker of the same color, and it actually worked OK with this one. Thanks for the comment again! Though regarding those backgrounds... rain check.

Beautiful texture

So you have some nice "TEXTURE" in this especially the backround I like the subtle colors too that made this kind of fun here you really did make this subtle but thats what I like about, as for any advice on this piece I think just making more of this style would be a plus on things, its an amazing piece of art.

as for any advice on this piece I think just making more of this style would be a plus on things


Very fresh

So this was pretty good I like the "FRESH" look here fresh colors and even the backround had some nice fresh design on this, I have no major tips on this one as it was a very nice piece with a fresh look about it, You have some nice work and I was pleased to find this and review it.

I have no major tips on this one as it was a very nice piece with a fresh look about it



Ok this one was very original and cute because I've never really seen a snowman with glasses before. I mean why did you name him Conan too? I like the name but it doesn't work with the glasses to me. He should have a more geek name like Kevin. I am not sure but overall the piece was nice and you captured that cartoon snowman look. I like the snow and effects around him and the blue eyes were a nice touch. You almost gave him a sort of human face and expression. Overall I liked this one.

nothing to change


Cyberdevil responds:

I guess you haven't read Detective Conan huh. :) Definitely recommended if you're into manga/detective fiction/any comics in general. Glad you liked this one, background and all!

Love the neon

I think the "ANIMATION" was really nice more neon would be a nice touch too, Well its something different and I like what you have here, it seems to have something of a theme a little anyways, there was some nifty things I have not seen done before, so glad you put in some effort to make things different. So I do look forward to new stuff you have. Glad I found this creative and nice piece of artwork here well rounded So this was a great outcome if you ask me and it was a pleasent piece.

more neon would be a nice touch too



So this was beautifull you have some nice "TALENT" on art here and this is a prime example of it, Now I do think some extra backround would be nice like a tree maybe a small lake in the desert and it could be blured to show the motion of thr horse running, anyways nice work here.

I do think some extra backround would be nice like a tree maybe a small lake in the desert and it could be blured to show the motion of thr horse running


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