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Very Nice Character

Wow this was a really nice character you have created here, I am loving the "PURPLES" and loving the overall design of the character, theres lots of great "DETAIL" in this piece and really just appreceate the detail and effort here, I wouldnt mind more blood maybe even some blood on back wall setting and even some structure as the backround, I would also suggest some sparkle on the shiny points like the spikes and whatnot, but regardless this was a cool piece.

more blood maybe even some blood on back wall setting and even some structure as the backround, I would also suggest some sparkle on the shiny points like the spikes



I do love a good logo for companies. I think this was not bad and was done well for what it is. I do think your lighting is off in places, it just seems all over the place with those dots, but I see this making a good logo or something for a banner. I do like the use of color and your vector designs seem to flow well with polished line work.

Work on the lighting for your designs a bit more but good overall


Cyberdevil responds:

Hmm yeah, not sure what I was going for with those dots, seems like an unfinished pattern when you start looking at it... good eye. And glad you liked the logo overall!


So this was some sort of "LOGO" or "BANNER" I am enjoying all the red flames and I have to say the "WORDING-OR-FONTS" are nice but I think you could have gone with something more vibrant and some font that jumps out at you more and I would put more flames on the outter edges of this as well as those areas seemed to be lacking more flames and whatnot, other then that this was a pretty nice view point of the art entry.

the wording or fonts are nice but I think you could have gone with something more vibrant and some font that jumps out at you more and I would put more flames on the outter edges of this as well as those areas seemed to be lacking



So here was another "COOL" character hre the "FORM" and structure of these characters that you do do, are pretty nice nice shades nice small little "DETAILS" here and there seem to all come together very well indeed so nice job here, I even love what you do on the backrounds with some type of texture and design the metal part of the axe could use a sparkle and or shine to it but overall this was a nice piece of work you have created here.

the metal part of the axe could use a sparkle and or shine to it but overall this was a nice piece of work


Interesting character

So this was an "INTERESTING" character you have here there is lots of "DETAIL" I like the design within the texture and skin plates, the head was cool, a small advice on this piece might be to have the eyes glow out a tad more and also some backround work is needed with maybe some scene in the backround and even some added props here or there, But besides those small details this was pretty decent work you have created here for us.

a small advice on this piece might be to have the eyes glow out a tad more and also some backround work is needed with maybe some scene in the backround and even some added props here or there



Ok so this one here is like a riddle, or it reminds me of the riddler. I do like the overall space used and the fact you never left too much out in terms of the question marks. I do find just plain black for all the question marks to be a bit boring and I do not see why you didn't try to add color here and there to spice it all up. I do like this tho and I hope next time you'll do it in different colors.

Try doing this with more different colors next time, as stated above.


Cyberdevil responds:

Ah The Riddler too, could've been a reference! Well sometimes... less is more? XD Thanks for the review again!

Intense sketch

A great legend done in black and white cant get any better then that, no changes needed this was a masterpiece, So this was a nice and solid black and white drawing I am sure down the road you can ad some color even just a little bit of color, But with this sketch and only being black and white its pretty impressive with the design you have on this one, the drawing is pretty awsome.

no changes needed this was a masterpiece


Nice work

This was some nice "3-D" I like the style of this you "SHOW" all the different "VIEW-POINTS" and such and you can see all the "GLOSSY" views I think if you showd more of a wood element it would be more realistic but it is what it is, its a nice 3d style of project with more of a plastic feel about it but anyways a more wood style would be a big improvment other then that this was cool and I enjoyed reviewing this.

a more wood style would be a big improvment other then that this was cool and I enjoyed reviewing this


Nice Comic style

So I have seen a few of your "CHARACTERS" now and this was pretty good, this was actually pretty "NICE" I love all the deep textured color in this one, the frame work could be improved like instead of black lines maybe some white frame work would accent well when put on over other web formats aswell, but anyways this was some nice work and a fun filled comic its an exciting comic story at that too with some nice and interesting characters.

the frame work could be improved like instead of black lines maybe some white frame work would accent well when put on over other web formats aswell


Nice Black and white

So this was a nice drawing here I like the "LINES" and most of all the "LINE-WORK" you did really nice with the shades and the hair just flows so nice and just seems to look realistic, some added color on this including some backround detail would be a plus on this piece, The white element of the hair seperate from the darker shades was pretty nice so nice detail there I like the work here.

some added color on this including some backround detail would be a plus on this piece


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