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Now that was some impressive stuff, I have actually seen other people do this on the streets of vegas and california and its some amazing work you are very talented, there is nothing I would change on this you are too talented for me to offer any changes so keep doing what you do best.

there is nothing I would change on this you are too talented for me to offer any changes


Nice drawing here

Nice dragon here, some nice detail maybe some blank paper or maybe you could color the backround, You have a really nice drawing here, its a good detailed design, it may even look better as a black and white design as you have it now, so maybe in the future some added color would be a nice touch but other then that this was a really cool drawing you have here.

some nice detail maybe some blank paper or maybe you could color the backround


Very nice

Wow im pretty impressed with this "PIECE" the work is so "REALISTIC" you have some really nice design and the backround is decent I like the blur effects too, as for changes on this I would only suggest more sunlight or a sun beam a ray of lighting beating down on her, anyways nice job here.

I would only suggest more sunlight or a sun beam a ray of lighting beating down on her



So this one here, this one is like a different version of your last dalmation picture and it is much more in-depth and detailed and has the suggestions I had given in the last review. I like the way the border cuts off the background with a solid white but that the background itself is a green color that makes it a more complete piece and gives it some pop. I am sad the X is gone, but the X wasn't really needed when recreating this work and piece. I do think you have something good here and the improvements are a plus so keep it up.

Nothing to really change here.


Cyberdevil responds:

It's like I read your mind even before you wrote the previous one huh. ;) Glad you liked it! Pretty happy with how it turned out too.


Okay these right here well they are pretty neat and interesting. I do think they need a bit more details in a background, but as they are sprites you are showcasing to use, I understand why you stuck with the black background as that will make it easier to transfer over if any users wish to use them in their game. I think the detail and expressions in each character of PICO is nice and I would hope you'd still finish your game. There is always time, even if a short version where you toss him and see how far he goes, you know, something basic, it would always be a good addition and interesting to view. Don't give up on things you start, because I am liking what I see so far.

You should make this into that game you wanted to make


Cyberdevil responds:

Right about the background, and a bit more aesthetic than say pink or green... which seemed to be the goto colors for sprite sheets back in the day! Hmm yeah, Toss The Pico... that could be something! Nice idea. I still hope to finish the real game some day but that could be a cool spin-off thing...

Nice art

So this was pretty cool, you are talented for sure your style shows that and every little detail shows that, I cant think of anything I would change on this piece as this was a solid piece of art here, Well here is a piece that sparks some interest well with me atleast, some things could be better but you have shown some decent effort here. Now I must say before I do head out, that this piece is the reason why I love to review, and hope to review and view great talent stuff like this in the future, but untill then keep making some brilliant stuff because you have some fatastic styles of work.

I cant think of anything I would change on this piece as this was a solid piece of art here


Very artistic

I really like this one here, you have some very good ideas with "COLOR" and you know how to blend them well too, the visual here was nice with the apple and such, and love what you did with the backround and give off a nice artistic design here, I really wouldnt suggest anything here but If I did it may be a sparkle off the apple, anyways good stuff here.

I really wouldnt suggest anything here but If I did it may be a sparkle off the apple



Nice pencil and shading work on this one, this was pretty good some deep shades on this, You may want to think about adding a border on this piece here it is stylish to need one, Well here we have another good drawing or sketch as some may call it but I found it to be good work even with none or little color to it, its really good stuff, now adding color later wouldnt hurt either, but I like your drawing and design here with all of its black and white style.

You may want to think about adding a border on this piece here it is stylish to need one



Ok this one here is okay but I wish there was more. I do love your smiley face and character design on this one. I think the "RED" horns were a nice touch and it overall had a good design theme but there needs to be more work done on the body. I found the depth you used in the body to be okay, but you need to keep that consistent with the rest of the work. The body and head don't match up in depth. I do love the head tho, the smile type demonic devil face worked and you added some nice glow to the face. I wish you added a background to this one. I do think it would have really made it feel more completed and helped with the depth issues. Overall it was okay and I would hope to see this again with changes.

More work as stated above, more depth all over.


Cyberdevil responds:

Yeah the body was... pretty basic! It was for a credits section though, so no background, just the character.


So this was really nice and very "REALISTIC" and yes I could see this elf in a forrest or some small village of elves, its a nice painting maybe you should think about adding a border or frame that relates to elfs or something, anyways nice job here this was pretty cool.

maybe you should think about adding a border or frame that relates to elfs or something


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