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Good improvement

This one here is another re-imaging of your last work, but this time you took some time to get it done and I think that paid off very well. The color additions to this was much needed and very well executed. I did like how erie and sinister this one was in the past, and even in black and white that worked out well, but the color really makes it come alive and have more details. You understand what is what, where which monster is, and how it all works together. Before it all seems a bit lost inside each other with a flow of black to black lines and no ending or starting point. With the color you really bring out where things beginning and end in a detailed and exciting environment.

I really love the end results here


Cyberdevil responds:

Glad you like it. :)


This was an interesting "DRAWING" here I like the red eye you could make that red I glow a bit more and I would suggest some added backround would also be nice too, you have a nice drawing here simple yet complex too, keep maing dwaings like this its a nice design and artistic.

I like the red eye you could make that red I glow a bit more and I would suggest some added backround would also be nice too



Ok now this one here your work here is wow, the two faces, the detail, this is all really good stuf for inktober ink work. The use of lines into other lines to create shading and texture detail was really nice and the spot and splashes of color when needed really made this pop out and create a flow from face to face. I think you have something good here, and I was just saying "WOW" when I saw this one. I do think you have too much white space tho, and if you crop this, you'll see the faces more and the character alltogether more in detail and sizing. That is really up to you but it is something I'd consider for the next round of ink work, but your inktober work is always a blast to view.

I liked this one as it is but you could crop the white space out more and make the main character a bit bitter in sizing.


Cyberdevil responds:

I'm pretty wowed by the wow factor of your review here! XD I felt like this one came across just a bit... off, but there is an improved version later on. Think you might've reviewed that one already. Glad you liked this too though, and solid advice (already used)!

Nice black and white

The shading is wonderfully done, and makes up for the lack of color, Emphasis of certain "FEATURES" also does well in creating a generally "UNIQUE-PIECE", The evident attention to detail compliments the extremities of the facial features as well, Helping with retaining the uniqueness of the drawing in its entirety, but overall you have some nice work here and it comes off well in this showcase of your work.

You should ad a black and white or even colored frame on this.


Amazing Sprite stuff

I love this "SCENE" because you added really nice sprite work here with some very nice shine I would take it one step farther and ad even more shine and sparkle, Some amazing sprite stuff here, they shine with glitter or thats how I see them you have some artistic energy that you can really bring alive and make work very well, I love the detail in this and how well they just jump out at you with lots of energy and such.

really nice sprite work here with some very nice shine I would take it one step farther and ad even more shine and sparkle



It looks like "BATMAN" If it is drawing him as a silhouette is a "PERFECT" representation of his character as a withdrawn anti-hero, The shading not only provides the right amount of detail to make out his shape, But also an angle of lighting that adds to the mysterious look of the entire piece, But anyways some really nice work here and I was really pleased with this whole piece here.

Some added dots or specs like you have around batman maybe ad more to form some frame so that this looks like a framed piece.



Sounds like you've got a lot of issues with your computer based on what you've written here. I mean, wow, this isn't a good thing to have such lag on a computer and maybe that is why you focused solely on the text of this art and then dressed it up with colors and effects? I do like your ability to create textures and effects with just lines and not using some other program to fancy it up. You have raw talent in that ability and I do enjoy the creative types of text you come up with using your free-hand. I wouldn't really change anything here but the last line, it is a bit small and harder to read then the other lines, so work on at a bit I think.

Add more size and stability to the last sentence of your image here


Cyberdevil responds:

Well I did, but it's mostly exaggerated in favor of the message. :) It's not as noticeable outside of Flash, and heavier (on detailed) drawings like this. The more lines you add the slower it gets, so my style does require some extra resources. I did get an upgrade on RAM this same year I think. Still bit limited GPU though (no GPU at all actually, just integrated).

As for the last line it's meant to trail away and become nigh unreadable though, like the problems never end. Thanks for the review!


Ok this one here is really neat and a good addtion to Robot day submissions. I see it is an older one and that is fine. nothing wrong with some older works being added in. So this was cool I like the robot climbing up here, but there should be more shine on the robot parts or textures to show shine and some sparkle on the electricity. Those changes could work and maybe something with the background color cause the sky should be dark but other then that this was pretty cool so nice job here

Some more shine on the robot and sparkle in electricity


Cyberdevil responds:

Definitely something I'd have worked more on today. :) My gradients and successive shadowing were like my shine back in the day. Thanks for reviewing!


So this was fantastic but the animation could be a faster tempo and all, but this was a nice job here, I like what you have done here and its this kind of sprite detail I really enjoy seeing, the detail the shine, the sprite world comes alive with sprite work like this, so props to you for some nifty sprite work, and keep making more just like this entry here.

the animation could be a faster tempo and all, but this was a nice job here



So this was cool, the "BLUE" theme here was pretty awsome and the logo saying here was cute I think some added shine and sparkle maybe comming off the glasses would be pretty cool, if you ask me, Desire to create thats what you have here, You have brought this to life this type of design is always an eye opener and keeps the viewer interested in what you brin forward. you show some good Dedicated and make this piece somewhat Mythical so for me this is a Grand piece of art that Radiates with flavour. You bring a fluid piece that brings talent and tons of energy, great effort aswell, so very nice work here and it was a huge pleasure.

I think some added shine and sparkle maybe comming off the glasses would be pretty cool, if you ask me


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