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Wow I am just amazed at the this "DELIGHTFULL" visual here the "COLOR" is just amazing really love what you have done here with color, Now for sure this is the kind of art pice I would ad some type of fancy border maybe something colorful to reflect the use of color you have already, well hope you like my Critique of your work, it was an Exhilaration and I enjoy reviewing your art pieces, And I have really come to enjoy art pieces like this, Its art pieces like this that truly amaze me because they bring on so much detail and quality. with a style and unique creativity of there own. This Radiates with Polish and I really like the energy you have put into this, really shows off well.

I would ad some type of fancy border maybe something colorful to reflect the use of color you have alread



So this was a very pleasent piece here and very beautiful, the art is simple and "FRESH" it was almost like a postcard lol, the slanted angle on this was pretty good too it creates a nice border here, so with this piece I found nothing to ad or take away this was an artistic piece.

so with this piece I found nothing to ad or take away


Nice work

Wow this was some really nice detail I see a few suggestions that come to mind such as more glowing of the eyes, some shine on the horns, and some small added backround detail, but other then that this was pretty good here a nice element of characters here with some really nice detail.

I see a few suggestions that come to mind such as more glowing of the eyes, some shine on the horns, and some small added backround detail


A really nice flow

The "FLOW" of animation was very smooth here the colors were simple but it was a nifty character, I would love some added backround maybe he is walking by some props or some type of backround element, unless you just wanted a simple theme here, Alright well this Concludes my review, So with this you make things jump out at you, And I cant describe it all in just words here because you made the little things work, and you make them work very well. but this is my last words on some Critique, So there are a few things that I really enjoyed with this piece of art, I like the way it all manages to flow right together and blends with the elements around it, Its stuff like this that makes it a joy to review this kind of stuff.

I would love some added backround maybe he is walking by some props or some type of backround element, unless you just wanted a simple theme here


I love this

Now this is one of those pieces that really has the beautiful color and shine to it the background was somewhat bland but with your charchter and those vibes it was very beautiful sight here I think you could even stretch the vibes so it creates a border on the outter edges creating a border or frame would be really interesting kind of border anyways that's my take on this piece very nice work

A vine stretched to along the edges as a border or frame



Now this was something really artistic the shape of the creatures the mass amounts of color and the detailed background that has some very good elements about it I'm really lost for words with this one as you have really presented an artistic piece with the right dose of color so no I will not suggest any changes on this because it's just so beautiful as it is now and I wouldn't wanna change anything about it

Can't change what is beautiful already



So here was a nice piece I love all the elements in this piece lots of shiny things and lots of detail in this one you have lots of work here the sky was pretty impressive too you have some really good detail I think some added birds in the sky would be cool but overall this was pretty nice some very good work here so please do make more sometime soon

Ad some birds in the background or more sky elements


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