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I like it

So this was some "NICE" work love the "FISH" and that backround was amazing, very "ARTISTIC" here, Really have no need to offer any suggestions because you have already presented some nice quality and its just some solid work here, Well this Concludes my review but there is such Exhilaration and you bring a certain Mythical and even Grand visuals here on this piece and I was pretty impressed with all that you have done here, And I will look for more of your work for sure, But before I go I do wish to say you have some decent talent here and it shows off very well, so keep on doing what you do its pretty awsome stuff.

Really have no need to offer any suggestions because you have already presented some nice quality and its just some solid work here



So this was nifty, It was "DIFFERENT" but it does form a hreat with all sorts of elements and seems to have a good visual here, the backround was lacking and I could see you adding onto the backround with some slight detail, other then that this was pretty good.

the backround was lacking and I could see you adding onto the backround with some slight detail



This was some amazing "WORK" the different elements made this "UNIQUE" I could see you adding some sparkle on some of those different elements maybe the end of the teeth or an eye or two etc, This had a sort of artistic style, You pushed some ideas here and made the element work well, but you created something positive something unique and differnt, Wow so great job on this one and I have to say its not perfect but its pretty close to it, you really pushed the envelope on this one, and it shows hope I can see more style like this from you sometime soon its a fantastic style.

I could see you adding some sparkle on some of those different elements maybe the end of the teeth or an eye or two etc



I really like the work you do here, the "COLOR" most of all seems to come out very well especially what you have done here in the backround, I think if you added some sort of yellowish border to go along with the character and yellow ish gold content it would be a really nice piece of work, other then that this was cool stuff.

I think if you added some sort of yellowish border to go along with the character and yellow ish gold content


Very nice

So this was good I like the added snake like character was pretty good the pose of the character was nice and some nice and vivid visual here I was really impressed with all the character details you have on this one anyways nice work

Make more soon


Really alurring

This was an alurring piece here here great pose the shine on her back side seems like it could be better or more brighter she is beautiful and you did some nice linework here I was pretty impressed here with this charracter design

Some added shine on her backside


Really nice

The colors on this are really nice the purple and black seem to work well all though some of her hair and the blackish background didn't seem to mix well but it's still a pretty good piece I thaught so keep doing what you do best here

Beautiful no changes needed here


Great character

So this was cool I really like what you have here with the "CHARACTER" the green "LIME" backround was decenent seems like it was lacking some subtle detail and that could be anything from some line work or even some texture maybe even some backdrop scene, nice character work though.

backround was decenent seems like it was lacking some subtle detail and that could be anything from some line work or even some texture maybe even some backdrop scene


Amazing work

This was some amazing work you have here the painted rainbow effect was beautiful it was some really nice detail and textuture too you have some really good talent and you can see the creative mind here great charchter too with some good expression on the face so no changes here you do beautiful work and don't need any changes so nice job and I personally have insta faved this one here really enjoyed this and your work

No changes what so ever this was amazing


Very nice

So here was a nice painted style a dark element that lighting source seems like you could have had more of a radiant glow from the candle or something but this was pretty good I do like it and the dark element just could use more lighting from the candle itself so anyway nice job here and keep up the amazing work as always I for sure want to see more of what you have in store for us next


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