
17,993 Art Reviews

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Very nice Detail

So with this one you really have some "NICE-DETAIL" and very dark detail at that with some really nice characters here just comming out of the darkness I have no suggestions of changes or improvments because you have already created a beautiful art piece here filled with awsome designs, so nice work here.

I have no suggestions of changes or improvments because you have already created a beautiful art piece here filled with awsome designs


Very nice

So this was really nice work here some more of this gwen character and I will say congrats on the awards here, you really have some nice character design and the "CIRCULAR-ART" in the backround was a nice touch the onlything I might ad onto this might be some added borders or frames to give off that artsy style of art view, but other then that this was cool.

Some borders or frames would go nice on this.



I love the "VIEW-SHOT" on this one with the "CITY-VIEW" in the backround very good angle there I think with some sunlight and sun beam comming in on this might make it even better then it already is, but for what it is its a nice artpiece with some nice artwork here.

Maybe some added sun beam or sun light.


Very nice

So with this "PARTICULAR-PIECE" you give it some good meaning "BEHIND-IT" the sad emotion comes out in it the detail in the whole room is amazing I love your cartoon style here on this the sad face emotion was a nice touch, very colorful art here I was very impressed with your work here.

Make more stuff like this it was very enjoyble no need for any major changes you do some good work and there for doesnt need to be changed its fine as is.


Beautiful design here

So this was a beautiful design here with a nice "BLUE-THEME" going on very nice color and some added shine it seems very well put together here with some nice visual points so with this one I have no changes that will be suggested because this is pretty good work already so anyways nice job on this one.

so with this one I have no changes that will be suggested because this is pretty good work already



So nice work here on this piece very good work I love the "LIGHTING-EFFECT" I think that lighting efffect could have been more dominant, but overall this was a nice piece of art and great little character you have designed here, so nice job here make more soon.

I think that lighting efffect could have been more dominant


ScytheRush responds:

Thanks for the feed! its greatly appreciated really. it really motivates me to keep doing this.

Beautiful color

So you have a nice "COLOR" on this one, a beautiful visual great character design here and some nice structure of the character it seemed to come out very well, so really nice job here and great structure overall a great piece with a bit of artistic element here.

No changes on this one its a beautiful piece.


Very nice work

So here was some really "NICE-WORK" great shading and some nice shine to go with some very unique character work here so props to you on this piece and its nice to see some neground related stuff aswell, but regardless this was a nice and nifty piece of art here I really liked this.

No changes needed it was very good work.


I love this

So I really love this kind of "STUFF" I have went ahead and made this a fave of mine. I love the creativity in this the different unique focus points are something really nifty here, so very nice work here only suggestion I have here is maybe some small backround detail it can be very subtle even, anyways great stuff here.

some possibly subtle backround detail


Very nice

This was a brilliant character you have here, some really nice "DETAILS" all about it the backround "LIGHTING" was even a really nice touch even, that blade she has could do with some extra shine due to the lighting sunlight, but besides that this was pretty cool.

that blade she has could do with some extra shine due to the lighting sunlight


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