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Nice mockup

So this was pretty nice really nice mock up here you have some nice color in this one too some nice little detail here so nice work here love all the characters and all the sprite detail is pretty nice so all in all a great entry for pixel day hope to see more.

dont think it needs much changes


Nice game style art

Some nice game like style art here and pixel even at that this was pretty cool you have some very cool effects and details in the artwoprk here great detail love the shading here too you do some amazing work would love to see the actual finished product one day.

No changes its a work of art


Amazing use of color

First of all this is an instant fave for me, as for any suggestions for changes I would say make more beautiful colored theme pieces, there is some Beautiful color depth in this its just so amazing what can be done with some color and you have showcased that here, amazing use of color here and it shows off well and thats mainly because of your creative sense so I was really impressed with this beautiful color design here.

as for any suggestions for changes I would say make more beautiful colored theme pieces


Kilcra responds:

Thanks so much!

Cool Color

Wow the color is amazing especially with those glasses and the shine, I think more glare could come off the glasses and more shine but even as it is now is just fine too, Amazing use of color here and it shows off well and thats mainly because of your creative sense, cool color indeed, you have a good art piece here full of amazing color and I am glad I had a chance to check this beautiful vibrant piece out so keep that aspect of things going strong.

I think more glare could come off the glasses and more shine but even as it is now is just fine too


Really unique

so this was really unique with all the different faces and whatnot seems like some added backround might be something nice to ad onto this but even if not it was a unique design, its pretty unique and different in its own way, So my Extended review of this review is This was some good progress and I Applaud you on some nice visuals here.

some added backround might be something nice to ad onto this but even if not it was a unique design


Wow beautiful work

Wow I have to say this was just amazing work you have here, love the deep red texture and the deep details within the face you are very taleneted the border like frames could have some more design to them, it has an interesting look and there was some decent detail to it, there are things that could make it even better but thats for later. So my Overview of this piece is that its a dang good piece

the border like frames could have some more design to them,


TristanTait responds:

Thanks, glad you're liking it :) The background was a stylistic choice to not draw too much attention away from the main feature, as this is just a simple portrait and not a full illustration

Pixel Art

So here some pixel element and an artistic element at that with some direction of creativity and imagination play a big role, and thats just one thing I liked about this art piece, so great job on your pixel creation here today and I encourage you to keep making many more great pixel submissions.

would love some backround details


Fun pixel style

I had fun with the art style here you really do have some nice style of pixel here and would love to see much more, you have some amazing styles, the pixel world and the art portal is the perfect place for your pixel style of stuff so keep making great pixel art stuff.

Really nice work make more soon.



Now here was some beautiful artwork here love the lighting effects on the character and the dark backround effects maybe some added glow effects on the electronic parts and mic, may it be old or new you can never go wrong with imagination and thats what we have here. And Finally we come to the end, You have something differant and neat here

maybe some added glow effects on the electronic parts and mic


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