
17,993 Art Reviews

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You captured it

So you have captured it to a tee this was just an amazing point of view you have here some really nice work here love the robot design and he has fear so nice job indeed really nice work here and hope to see more like this


Wow nice work

The theww beautiful girls here is pretty nice I like character designs here you did an amazing job on the backround aswell almost seems like you could even ad some more shine and sparkle on this but overall this was pretty nice work here great characters and a nice visual.

Some added sparkle and shine.



So this was a cute art piece here love all the props and all the design on there shirts some couple of cute characters here Now I do think some added backround on this would be nice maybe a fast food resurant or something to reflect theree main focus, anyways great stuff here.

I do think some added backround on this would be nice maybe a fast food resurant or something to reflect theree main focus


cysgro responds:

Thank you very much for the suggestion! I will try to add more backgrounds to my artwork from now on. Can't escape from them forever!


So this one here was pretty amazing love the character design here and love the backround I think some stars could be brighter and that line in the backround could use a glow as a nice effect, but anyways nice work here really beautiful character design

I think some stars could be brighter and that line in the backround could use a glow as a nice effect


Nice art here

So this was pretty cool I like the structure of the character a few things I thaught you could ad like some shine on the outfit and ad some more deeper borders or frames, besides that this was pretty good stuff here a great character design so nice work here

a few things I thaught you could ad like some shine on the outfit and ad some more deeper borders or frames


DiamondJustin responds:

Thanks for the input.

I should mention that this was drawn years ago and I'd like to think I've improved since then.

But I will take into account your criticism about experimenting with shine marks and the size of frames in a composition in my future works.

Again, thank you for the criticism.

Nice work

So this was nice I love the portratit style here and the fact that it is in black and white is even better so really nice work here you have some nice talent and it shows here would love some frames or fancy borders on this piece, but overall this is a nice art piece.

would love some frames or fancy borders on this piece


Crimson0-0 responds:

Thank you very much!

Beautiful visual

So this was a nice and beautiful visual you have here, love the lighting effect here wish there was even more dominant lighting effect, Very nice stuff indeed, its pieces of art like this that really draw me to it, and thease show off some good talent you have shown off some nice work here. you have manythings the Desire the Polish

wish there was even more dominant lighting effect



So this was nice kind of like a comic style here seems like it could have more issues so my advice make more like in a comic form you have some nice character design and some great artwork here so hope to see more from you this was really nice work on this one.

make more


Cromatoid responds:

Thanks for the review, is really appreciated.


Wow I have to say this was some amazing work you have here some really nice detail that lighting effect is the most intense though so really nice job would love if there had been a stronger red beam of lighting but overall it was a beautiful art piece here.

beautiful effects here no major changes needed.


Creative character here

I love all the purples and nice line work here on this one, I would suggest some kind of fancy border here, An amazing drawing you have done here, you seem to always make a great character or two with massive amounts of detail, your line work on this is just so smooth so fresh love the design you put on things you really know whats up and show off lots of your talent

I would suggest some kind of fancy border here


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