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So this was good stuff a nice lil animation some fun visuals on this cute film and selling cookies lol some added background effects might be nice on this one but overall this was pretty good stuff



Yoshi lol the film brings on some good humor in this with some actual nice animation and good job on yoshi bring in the tennis element and yoshi together made for a fun film here


A fun stick flick

This was cool the kills are nice I think more blood scenes would be nice and some added backround work An interesting flick here the style is nice and A fun stick flick this is with some very nice visuals I always enjoy these kind of stick flicks because they bring on some good action and even a nice tid bit of story along with them, but anyways nice work.


Very nice

I love the alien and Sci-fi element here the animation and visuals really comethrough in each scene Here is one of those films that it is good stuff right from the start So I have been writing this review and come to enjoy this flick as you have really set the tone since the start, It ended quick kind of wish there was more looks to be even better I have really come to a liking of this submission of yours keep that up in the future, Nice sci fi element


Stick adventure

This one had a bit of story to it and that makes it pretty good love the stick action here A nice stick entry with all sorts of stuff going on as you have really pushed the limits some decent action and even some decent animation here so does show off some nice efforts You have some fun ideas here as you can clearly see the sticks are in there own world.



Lots of random clock stuff here 2022 was a good year I think lol you bring on some impressive ideas here I have enjoyed this from the start, nice animations even some cool creative stuff love the opening 3/D one too



So this was an interesting animation good and cute with the cat, the voice was really good maybe even ad on some subtitles for this hope to find more just like it I encourage you to keep making stuff like this any additional detail would be great and now the end is near in my review, but it was a cute animation


A stick submission

This was a nice one because of some nice explosions and the music was jamming I liked how you have presented this film here and look forward to many more Its a nice stick entry with all sorts of stuff going on as you have really pushed the limits on this one and made for a really fun film here about the stick adventure at hand.


A stick flick

These have always been a fun part of the grounds It was a nice entry with the stick visuals and much much more, You have some fun ideas here as you can clearly see the sticks are in there own world here, I liked how you have presented this film here and look forward to many more down the road.



Now this here was pretty intense of some good scenes nice effects and just an inspiration of a film here the animation really flows well and is actually a refreshing piece I had some fun with it


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2y 6m 15d