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Funny and random.

Haha ths was great and true in many ways, the trashcan was funny, made me laugh and i thought the mod / wade was funny aswell, a very good and original style nice job.

Add some color to the actual images.

Funny idea, and some good humor.


Too short

Abit short, and could use some color to it, Black and white flashes are notbad, butl while its black and white, you Should add some color even if just a drop of red or blue here and there, like say a blood drop so that the Black and White reflects more it would be a nice, and would standout abit better, and improving on your Black and White animation. It was very short, so in that type of flash why not either add more content or you could make a flash with a number of short flashes like this one or even adding it as a part of some collab would be good aswell, anyways nice work.

Abit short.



Abit on the random side but i got a good laugh out of it, the voices were a nice touch but this could use some subtitles to go with, just for more quality to the flash and will show more effort on your side, More humor, some more funny jokes here and there, some visual humor such as rolling eyes and so on. You should Add some backrounds besides the plain white one you have, or atleast a base color so that it doesnt look so bland, or if its more random you could add some wacky animations in the backround, but it does need something instead of just the plain backrounds. anyways it was funny stuff. keep it up.

Funny and random.


Entertaining flash

Nice flash series, the characters and backrounds had a nice feel and the animation had a nice flow, and on top of all that it was funny, i liked it hope to see more of your skills soon.

Nice flow of animation.



Well another entertaining daily toon, i thought the animations were ok, but the "MENU" could use a better look like with buttons, other then that the flash was funny.

Menu needs work.


Very nice tutorial.

Wow very impressive with this, i seen lots of these and this is by far a very wellmade and shows lots of effort especialy the intro of it all, nice understanding of it aswell, nice work indeed.

A good tutorial.


The-Shadow-Master responds:

thanks alot =D

Nice graphics

Nice graphics, and some nice sound/fx, my only issue with this was the "TEXT BUBBLES" the text was too small, and hard to read, make the font thicker and even a different font choices would be great, anyways nice job.

Needs abit of work but it has nice graphics.


Silly and random

Funny and random and abit short, it had some wacky and odd characters, it was funny though and gave me a few chuckles, so nice job indeed.



Nice 3d graphics.

Some very nice graphics, but it seemed more like just a small scene then anything else, you should make much more but i do like the graphics of it all,

Nice 3d graphics.



The clips were decent i like the one with "SPAWN" nice character on that one, and the stick with taking off the skin or mask was funny, anyways nice job on this.

Random and silly.


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