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A clock submission

Nice fresh colors nice short one here but still very entertaining Now this was A clock submission you can sink your teeth into, and you have really caught my attention, the film itself is pretty good and some funny moments going on I had some fun with this particular submission, so nice job indeed and hope you make more.



So this was pretty good stuff I like this as a series don't know if there is more and like the simplicity of it especially the characters I would even suggest some added detail to the different characters


Very nice

Makes me wonder why we don't have a series on mr death this was pretty good love the story depth here too some fun characters with good character but anyways a nice animation


Nice animation

Some nice animation here the story is nice and the animation looks really good this was pretty good I like the concept and the characters came out well but I had a blast with this one


Very nice

This was actually pretty good I love the animation here but does seem unfinished this is some nice work and some good bears here the animation on the mouth was good too nice work



So this was an interesting film guess we have the info on orange juice lol no but really a nice film here some smooth scenes and nice animation so well done on this flick I like it


Good film

So a good film here it has some nice character simple and fun I had fun with this and while not revolutionary I love the idea I do hope to see more from you this was a good all around solid animation entry, The scenes in the film are welldone love how it all plays out wish it was longer Alright you do have something here I was actually pretty impressed with what you made here today a great find indeed, Good flick good characters



This was a nice little animation very colorful characters fun and fresh This was a decent movie entry and hope to see more of what you have in store for us but as for this submission of a movie you really pushed all the limits, The characters flowed well and nice work on the animation too and braught on some nice visuals that make this pretty brilliant so awsome job indeed its film pieces like this that realy impressed with these characters and the little film here



This big boss man is really growing on me some nice animation stuff here it was somewhat short and wouldnt mind more scenes but it was pretty good stuff, And so with all that said this was a good toon nice content some good entertainment value anyways nice animation



So this was pretty good it ran fast and lots of action scenes in this too love the fast paced scenes too and good color Glad I found this fun lil gem in the portal here So nice job here I am excitedly reviewing this and hope to review more of your work sometime soon, Pokemon vs Digi thats a good one though both have has success but anyways nice animation here


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