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Very good detail and animation

This started of great and love the full animation of the characters with awsome and smooth animation, i think it needs some subtitles though and possibly a replay button at the end

My advice to improve on this is explained just above.


McAfee-Enterprises responds:

Awesome input! Thanks and coming from you it means a lot for us. I was checking out some of yoru work and read the interview you did here at NG really cool stuff! :)

Again thanks for taking the time to give us some constructive input.........


That was pretty trippy, really love what you did with all the color and such, and it really made for the trippy stoned feel, it moved along very smoothly so nice job on the animating

I would love to see more stuff like this, like a whole series of differant vids, anyways good luck and good work


SimonGreen responds:

Thanks :D yeah id like to do some more stuff with trippy backgrounds soon
Glad u like them :p
Maybe some cartoons or something if i get the chance
Thanks again

Cute characters

Some cute characters in this one, the "VOICES" were very awsome very sharp and clear, even with that i thinks it should have some subtitles it just makes it look that much better

Add some subtitles, other then that it was a funny and wellmade cute flash


Head-Shot5000 responds:

I was going to add subtitles... But then i got high.
Glad you liked it.

Haha entertaining

Haha well you got a fan here the lack of color was a downer but you covered that with some good and fast humor that gives a good laugh, i kinda like it simple and black and white it adds to the humor.

My suggestions would be to maybe add a touch of color, and make it longer, hope i have helped you somewhat here


kinda random here

Well this was notbad but kinda random i though i love the checkerboard and birds at the start and great color there as for other parts it got more random

Enetrtaining but could use more less random throughout the flash


Nice first vid

and here we have your first flash wich i thought was decent and after seeing all your art it was a pleasure seeing this, the animation was good, and the story was even better, a good flash if i say so myself

Entertaining flash my advice to improve it was all very good maybe lower the file size, but other then that it was alright stuff


Manuel-Dangelo responds:

I wasn't able to edit the MP3 traks, that's why it's so heavy, I'm getting better on it, maybe I'll be able to make it lighter for the 1.1v

could use some color

I like this it seemed too short and needed more animations, also this could be much better if you had some color in there somehow, even if it was just a touch like explosions and such, anyways nice idea, i was pleasently enjoying this

As stated above color and longer animation is needed


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