LOL haha ok That was funny
Well I did get a good laugh out of this, but have to say this was really short, Now i suppose you were trying to get this joke across and you did, it was actually pretty entertaining and you did pull of the joke well, i just thought that it was too short, maybe if you added a few short clips of random animation in one flash package it would be a better quality of flash and not so short, its an idea and would be an oberall better experiencefor others, So my advice is make it longer, add more story or add more short toons in one flash over the just one short toon. The art and little animation it did have was actually notbad though, but again too fast too short with this one, but in the end i did get a good laugh out of this one.
Since this was a short a real short short flash more like a clip, why not add more to it, stretch out the story, or maybe just have orther shorts in one flash entry like 3 or 4 differant short animations instead of just 1 short one.