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Good flash here.

So for a stick flash the "ANIMATION" was very fantastic, even for stick characters, so that was the first great thing i noticed, how the animation flowed very nice, and just rolled into each and next seen easily, always nice to have that in a flash, and as for it being a robin hood it gave it some sort of adventure, and the content kept me interested, so nice job on those elements, The "VOICES" cameout pretty good aswell i thought, fit the parts perfectly, so if there are any tips at all i can give for making this better, i believe the onlything i can suggest might be that maybe broaden your ideas with more then just stick characters, give them more character style characters, with the animating you can really make the flash shine, anyways nice work here.

Great flash here, if any suggestion of tips and ideas to make it better maybe, Make Characters not the stick kind, while this does take more time and effort but it will make your flash better and with more details for the characters like color, hair clothing some facial detail, it will improve on this and your characters, something to think about for this or your next film, for improvment.

Nice talant with this one

Now i like this one for a number of reasons, and its sad to see that it could be one of the last ones, but seems like it went out with a bang especially with names like tom fulp and such, the animation cameout well, and seemed to play along very well from start too finish, i was very impressed from everything with art and animation as it all flowed well together and made for something very entertaining so nice job all around, I love all the differant iconic names working on this and the list keeps going on, but in the end it was a welldone piece, and i do hope its not the last, its worked out for the best, as for improvments, i could see more of these being popped out, but besides that it was pretty good.

So always with improvments, i try and suggest some, but with this one it had all the right stuff, but if anything at all, more effects with backrounds, just an idea and that might bring more focus too those elements.

love the parady of this

Now here was something differant and kinda brings you back to when the matrix, these were all pretty good and the art was pretty good, even the animation was notbad, The pikanjo one was probably by far the best one, animation and drawing aswell as humor that came with it, so props on that, All the differant styles are pretty good but the pikanjo one was by far the best one, this was a unique one with the differant styles and all the humor with differant jokes, it all seemed to come together, so again nice job there, i will look forward to more stuff like this, now as for improving on this one, i think everything was pretty good, from size, to mb's, and even winning a daily award, so all and all it was pretty good and well rounded, nice work, and hope to see more soon.

So as mentioned this was pretty good already, if any improvments, maybe adding a few more jokes, then making it somewhat longer, maybe even a few more clips and refrences such as with neo and pikanjo and so on.

Decent flash here

So i dont know a whole lot about this theme and all but i like your presentation, The "VOICES" were pretty good, very good quality here, on the voices ofcourse, Congrats on winning some awards, it was a nice gesture and shows that you really put the effort fourth, keep up with that type of effort. You really put the effort in the "CHARACTERS" and thats what really stood out so nice job there, You should think about adding more action scenes more stuff going on, and that would bring a plus to it all, So great work here, the best stuff on this was the "CHARACTER" work and actions, As for improving on this, well youalready won an award so that was as good as you can get, but theres always room for improvment.

Everything was pretty good here, maybe making it somewhat longer would be a nice effort but as said before its already a good flash.

Cool submission

And once again i come across one of your nifty flash animations here, i thought this one was pretty entertaining, and gave me a few laughs and chuckles and so on, and i notice you have won some awards on this so once again "CONGRATS" on the awards it was well worth it, My one issue with this was that it was kind of short, you have some good ideas with these and they just kind of end too short so maybe making them longer, or even adding other shorts into one flash would be a good idea, just another idea to think about, But you have some good animation here, nice flow of animating, awsome quality on audio and "VOICES" so an all around solid flash here.

Try and make this somewhat longer or take it an even further step by adding a bunch of short toons in one flash entry just an option to give it more quality and more enjoyble for all.

LOL haha ok That was funny

Well I did get a good laugh out of this, but have to say this was really short, Now i suppose you were trying to get this joke across and you did, it was actually pretty entertaining and you did pull of the joke well, i just thought that it was too short, maybe if you added a few short clips of random animation in one flash package it would be a better quality of flash and not so short, its an idea and would be an oberall better experiencefor others, So my advice is make it longer, add more story or add more short toons in one flash over the just one short toon. The art and little animation it did have was actually notbad though, but again too fast too short with this one, but in the end i did get a good laugh out of this one.

Since this was a short a real short short flash more like a clip, why not add more to it, stretch out the story, or maybe just have orther shorts in one flash entry like 3 or 4 differant short animations instead of just 1 short one.

Smooth and entertaining

OK so with this one i was not familuar with some of the content, but for what was shown it did show some good "EFFORT" and had some good style to it aswell as bringing good "QUALITY" to it so that was a plus, I like the dragon at the end though that was pretty neat, now one thing that concerned me and maybe it could be worked on was the size maybe it could be cut somehow so the file size wasent so large, only suggest that so that its an easier load time for viewers, But overall this this was a fun flash even the music was entertaining, but anyways keep up the fantastic work, i found this one to be entertaining even with a larger file size, untill next time good luck on whatever you have comming up next for us.

So the onlything here was the filesize of 7 mb while in todays age you see more and more of that it could still be reduced, I try and tell people how to reduce or why, Try and reduce the size of the file so that it doesnt take forever to load up, and probably will allow more users to view it since it wont be so long to download.

Love it

First off good flash here, you made it very entertaining and it was alot better then i originally expected, The "SIE" was massivly huge, but i guess you needed alot to it, it does look like alot of high quality and that shows, the art was notbad, and the animation was actually alot better then expected like i said before, but i really like how this moves fast and flowed well with all the art and animation so i was pretty pleased with everything going on, so nice efforts all around, Voices were really good and things again flowed well as i mentioned, So as for improvment I dont kknow other then cutting down the file size somehow, but other then that this was pretty good stuff.

Entertaining flash kind of large in size maybe it could be cut into 2 epsiodes or something.

kalabor106 responds:

Yeah the MP4 sizes are a bit big this project was so huge that flash crashed about 80% through the publishing that MP4 was the greatest thing to happen. I'll have to mess around with some of the compressions thou on my next projects and see if I can cut down the size with very little lose to the graphics. Glad you like this :)

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