It is a pleasure of mine reviewing this piece of work, there are some great things that happen in this one, dont get me wrong there are some improvments that can be made, but You have done a did piece of work here with everything that was happening on this.I Encourage you to keep making stuff like this, any additional detail would be great. This was an entertaining piece with lots of interesting and entertaining characters, "VOICES" were not half bad either, this film actually went long but it was funny and amusing with everything going on. Awards are not always something everyone can get but its nice when you can so awsome job on getting some awards for this flash. There were some areas that could use some more clever ideas and tips, but that also comes with most flash submissions, So maybe below I will have a few ideas for you, but regardless of this all, this was actually notbad of a flash entry.
Overall A decently made flash on the whole. Obviously there are bits and piece and there that could have used a general second look, and improvements, and so this is where I come in and try and suggest a few new ones and some old ideas aswell in hopes that you do take a second look into things and make them much better and improved. I would love to see different scenes going on and also some subtitles wouldnt hurt either.