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Cool beans

So this was a positive experience and you tend to find both good and bad, another good choice from the portal today, this one was pretty interesting though. Another good episode you have here, that voice going in and out will drive me crazy but I guess if your ok with it then im ok with it, anyways I like that you took it away from stufio here and into new scenes and such, sergio does have a life outside of the studio lol. you should bring the little sister into more of these animations she is funny. So this was a good one and you showed us into your flash world, not a bad thing at all, and It was a pleasure to review this one.

Bring the sister around more often.


Nice flick

This was cool the "CHARACTERS" were pretty cool I use to play gaia online many years ago this is one of those kinds of flash works you could ad some subtitles the voices were small yet you can hardly hear them at times but i would ad some subtitles regardless.

Adding some subtitles would be a plus here.


Cycon responds:

SUBTITLES? I can't read so why should you. Best I can do yas for'd be subtitties in russian cause they bouda be had on the cheap

also yes im petty and have a sensitive mental state so i replied to a 3 year old comment because you had critical feedback and didn't even look ahead to see that, in fact, i addressed your issue with the subtitles by posting it on youtube where they do it for me kinda so i dunno, my feedback would be you should work on that feedback like maybe i could improve the fuckin audio you're complaining about with solutions to other problems okay kid, maybe then I'll put in some subtitles and get the deaf audience but right now they're the only ones safe from how shitty my work is and for real, im playin dont get facebook on me about it i just wanna say thanks and give you something to read since i didn't the first time and i wanna include deaf kids like yourself for reals. Good suggestion, kinda, but work on it you amateur and thanks, fuck im tired

also im flagging this as spam tho jk

Needs Voice sound

So seems like you have a decent story going on here, I believe with this one you really need some voices etc, like some dialog it would greatly improve onto this aswell as making this longer with much more content you can stretch it out with more stuff into this flash.

making this longer with much more content you can stretch it out with more stuff into this flash. other then that it was ok.


The sacred bull

Cool looking clock a sacred bull, anyways funny toon you have here, these clock movies never get old with me they always bring some funny moments, I like that you added a story here andd more then the normal thre second clock film, this one does need some subtitles.

Some subtitles since the voices were a bit hard to hear at times.



Well these always tend to be a little funny its just so hard to hear at times, and some subtitles would really come in handy here, also some extra shading and detail on the props around the stufio like his "DESK" all it takes is some shading here and there. With all that said you cando alot more with this I have made a few suggestions and I do hope they help to improve on this, now dont get me wrong you have something decent here and the effort shows but could still use a few more additions of stuff and so on, so go ahaead and give some new ideas a try. And hope to see some of those changes in the future or even on something new you may be working on.

This would be much improved with some "SUBTITLES" it would help for others to understand abit more as sometimes its hard to understand whats being said, not a real big deal, but its nice to have subtitles as a feature on this flash. You flash would look more improved and it would help some others to understand it better. You can even have it as an optio to Toggle on or off, so that the users who dont need it have that option availble to them. Some extra shading and detail on desk and other stuff around the studio.


Nice battle

And here was a good toon with some very nice looking characrters and smooth animation, great clock movie, love the backrounds and the story was very good aswell, so you have outdone yourself for sure on this one, keep up the great work love the story here on this one.

A few more effects here in there like in battle.



This was cute, I love the music in this and making it simple, even the art was simple like furniture, and theres a small lil story here, I could see you making a good series out of this its an entertaining movie and good idea, great lil cat you have here, lol

Make more of these they are funny.



These animations are nice and you give a good little story here and makes for some fun action, you can see you put in the effort in this one, the sound/fx are really good, the graphics are not half bad either. anyways fun little movie you have here, keep up the decent animations.

Spice up the art work abit better maybe ad some voices in there aswell.


Here we go

Well here we go with another episode, I have noticed you have won a few awrds for this series notbad and congrats for sure, but for me there is a volume voice quality where the voice goes in and out sometimes thats something you could clean up just a tad or something. but besides that this was pretty funny and amusing if you ask me. Great flash here, I really like what you did here and the Effort does show, there was a few things that could be made better and some extra effort on your part would, theres.

Some clean up on the voice recording maybe a new mic or ptogram might help.


Strange and odd

Well this one was kind of odd but I had fun watching it, it was pretty entertaining with the sticks and simple music, you could probably ad some color to this maybe even in the backround, but other then that this was actually pretty amusing stuff, keep making stuff like this.

Adding some color or stick figure in color would be one idea.


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