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Very good

What an interesting flick I have come across here in the portal, you dont get to see much stuff like these everyday, and its nice to check stuff like this out. Wow now after watching this a few times I have to say this was really enetertaining love all the scenes and visuals and you really have a nice film here.

Make more videos like this one.


WINprince responds:

Thanks man!

Really appreciate your words!


Well that was kind of random and such, the characters were cute and amusing and I thaught you had an entertaining piece here with some amusing ideas but it was just too short you should think about making this a tad bit longer but overall this was pretty funny and random.

it was just too short you should think about making this a tad bit longer


Nice work

So as always a great episode of sergio and his friends, you always make some nice stuff with the sergio toons, So as I do start this one up there could be additional details here and there, but you did have a good Entertainment level, and Surprisingly enough it was certainly a win to start off with. Well anyways great episode with character descriptions lol.

You should do another episode like this one with character descriptions and such.


Cool another one

Another cool one with thise series of sergio and all his buddies and crazy antics, So I will start my Opening Remarks on that thsi film has Earned points by me for the effort and time put in on this one, you Focus on the efforts and it will be some good Entertainment for all to enjoy. keep making sergio films have not seen a new one from you in awhile.

Make more of these


Beautiful as always

And this was Beautiful as always, but then again you always brin on the humor and entertaining value in these a very nice flow of animation, love these little characters and make for a good smooth animation even if not so much use of color you still bring in enough to make it work. Well so its not all the time you see flash works like this especially in a movie form so I was actually suprised with how you presented this and how you let it flow from start to the end, So in that aspect of things it actually does get off to a decent start. Anyways hope it helps as this was actually a pretty good flash submission, There could be some small changes but overall this is a decent entry you have here, and I am really interested in what else you have in store for us in the near future here. A splash of more color or even some backround page different color would be a cool idea. anyways nice work here.

A splash of more color or even some backround page different color would be a cool idea


Wow nice

The Dedication shows on this one, And here I am checking this flick out, must say its an interesting flash but I like the style here and the direction, some interesting things in this one. sofar from the start of this you have Earned my Golden ticket, but now onto more of this. This was such a beautifull idea you have here.

I would love to see more stuff like this. but make them longer this one was a tad bit short.


KassotisProductions responds:

It means a lot to hear that so thank you very much and please do stick around for more. These are only first try demos. I'm super new with Adobe Flash and basically upload my practice scraps for feedback so yeah there will be a time where I'll upload a full presentable piece for you guys to enjoy. Someone in the comments of my first video even said these animations would make a cool app/game so I’m open to that scenario too.

P.S. Sorry for the late reply but I’m currently on vacation. Expect more of these from September. Take care!


This was notbad you really do bring out the best on these characters and theres a little story even so nice job, the animation is very nice too, And as I get started on this submission entry, I found it entertaining it even gets better as it plays thru and such, Now while its just the start of things I think you really have something here, so keep going with that. I like the Opportunity here on this flash, and Endorse this submission to others, I got some good enjoyment from this, There are a few instances that could be better, I hope to see more of your endeavors in flash works, soon. The Opportunity here built Momentum for this review.

have some more intense moments more action ofcourse.


Nice work

There is some good potential in this movie, and I am really liking the vibe that flows with this, so dont lose track of that and really push this film forward. You have a funny idea here and it flowed well with the animation so was pleased with this one, maybe make some more.

No major changes needed you have a nice idea here


Cool beans

Cool beans thats what I say here, because this was pretty good effort and some really nice energy here you really know what your doing and each movie that comes out of this series gets even better so nice work here and hope to see more soon. and congrats on all the awards you have won on this series, you are making some waves with this one and as I got more into this one, it gradually gets better and the element of suprise is always a fun suprise so nice job here. you have Executed and nothing was really overused and thats always Refreshing. I would suggest changing color backround paper now and then, but thats just me other then that this was pretty good stuff.

Different colored paper would be cool.


This was cute

So this was a cute piece you have here I love that it was something different then you normally see and thats what I saw here wish it ws longer but you should really think about making more of animations like this very entertaining, anyways keep up the good work.

adding more depth like stuff in backround, you should really think about making more of animations like this very entertaining


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