Enetrtaining and good style
100 episodes are great, You have an Enetrtaining and good style here as the title says, a good story here and the characters always as good as ever and you bring that humor alive with each frame and it was very entertaining for the mostpart, I have enjoyed this for the stick humor aswell, These types of flash entries have always had an interesting mistique about them, now while these types are not always the greatest or flashiest they bring something to the table, You have made it interesting and didnt bore me all that much so there is some good in them. and besides you do have a good Concept here and has some Potential for even better outcomes. So after seeing this a few times I thought it was alright some stuff I was not too fond of but other stuff I really liked what you showed here, and theres even more potential to it aswell. It was nice to beable to see 100 episodes and you had a different starting with this one.
this episode seemed abit different with older style art not sure maybe some of the character work can be polished up.