Nifty animation
This "GUY" seems to always find himself is some "TROUBLE" lol it was an entertaining piece once again, A nifty animation If I have ever said so myself, you bring some nice effort to the portal, you bring these simple characters and make them do odd and strange things and make it very amusing and funny, and thats what I really like about them including this one. And here once again I find one of those interesting and yet still entertaining flash entries, a good submission you have here, I was delighted with all the happenings and so-on. And so with all that said this was a good toon, nice content some good entertainment value to this, and while this review is comming to an end I still did enjoy your work here and look forward to seeing more of it in the future, so my last words here would be, keep Producing these awsome flash-works and keep people enjoying them.
No changes as I found it to be just right