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Really nice

So this was some really nice animation here the 3-d element was pretty good I like the way this is fluent and keeps the viewer exciting and interesring so really nice work on this submission and do hope you make more like this in the near future

Awesome idea make more in the future



So this one was kind of random here I like the style though the bunnies are pretty nifty and make for a good idea I do wish this was somewhat longer though maybe a few more scenes a few more crazy moments would have been nice

Could be longer it was a nice element short


Wow unique

So this was really a unique film here I like the style of the film and the stop motion style was really nice a good toon here with a unique visual so good work here make more of this soon I look forward to seeing more of your work

No particular changes on this one I do look forward to more of your work


Very short

Well that was a nice little animation you have here the clay was cool and while it was not perfect it was still pretty good stuff I think it would be better if it was longer though it was a unique clay animation and would love to see more stuff like this so nice job here.

Could be longer more different scenes but a tad bit longer here


BlackAnimation responds:

thank you for the comment
you know your stuff


So I came across this fine animation of yours and said well I have to review this its ChutneyGlaze after all hehe no but really the the color truly amazes me you have a way with color and I love that element and push by you the character work is already amazing here this was an amazing toon even as short as it is, Congrats on the awards, these are pretty good elements in your animation I do wish it was longer maybe a few more frames to showw off more details and more to the story taking place. but anyways great animation here I always look forward to what ChutneyGlaze graces us with.

Its an amazing toon I do wish there was some longer scenes though.


ChutneyGlaze responds:

i think i did good when you say it should be longer :)

Very nice

So first off this was a really nice toon you have here and has some nice artwork with some really nice graphics love all the small details in the characters and backround you do some nice work here seems like this might do even better with some added subtitles, anyways nice work.

seems like this might do even better with some added subtitles


Good toon

So this was a nice toon here I love all the bright color here, this was some great work especially with the nice character detail I think some subtitles would be nice on this piece here would fit well, but other then that this was very funny and entertaining.

Ad some subtitles



Wo this was some really artistic stuff here it has some really great use of color when the character talks you should have some subtitles there and I belive this loops so maybe some type of stop action code or just something to hold it there at the end, other then that this was some really nice work.

when the character talks you should have some subtitles there and I belive this loops so maybe some type of stop action code or just something to hold it there at the end


This was cute

So this was really cute and probably one of my more fave pieces by you as it was entertaining but more cute then anything else and tells a small story really nice work I like the subtle color in this, you do some amazing work and it shows well here hope to see more soon.

You should put more of these togther and maybe put a whole bunce togethere here on one submission.


Great Kill game / Movie

So this was under movie but it had a game like feel and these kinds of games are fun, I do suggest some backround detail and elements, A great game here a "GREAT-KILL-GAME" infact these kinds of games are pretty nifty and has some "NICE-ELEMENTS-OF-KILLING" the target, it was fun and I liked the interactivity, allthough some added interactivity would be a plus, so anyways make more games here.

I do suggest some backround detail and elements


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