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A music video

I love all the color here some nice random scenes A nice music video you have here with this one, its just like a music video you have some nice flowing animation and moments of great visual detail here and it shows off well with some intense moments I really liked this one so nice job here and hope you make more like this.

Some added frames to make this longer seems a tad short


Nice sticks

Nice stick adventure with this one some nice use of color in this one too I like the peanut butter jelly time, This one was actaully pretty nifty with all the action going on so I did come to enjoy this particular stick battle, this one had some interesting "RESULTS" and outcomes and overall was a "DECENT" little battle so all in all this was pretty brilliant if you ask me.

more peanut butter jelly time moments



So this was nice and funny but for sure needs some subtitles the audio was a little muffled in sound so some subtitles would come in handy here, but this was pretty enetertaining great humor here and its great to see humor like this as theres not much of this kind of humor on the portal anymore.

ad some subtitles


Cool Video

So these music videos are a blast this particular one brings music and animation and art all together to make for one hell of a video and thats what I like about these "MUSIC-VIDEO-TYPES", you have "SOME-GOOD-EFFECTS" in this one too really nice work here, hope you make more.

some improved graphics would be nice


This was cute

So this was a nice little animation here with some nice funny looking characters here some great action scenes though and some great use of color this was pretty entertaining, so nice job here, would have loved to see this run more longer but overall it was entertaining

No changes needed it is pretty good stuff



Well this was something interesting it was very random but I found it very funny and got a few chuckles from this seems like its looping you could possbly have a stop point or something but other then that this was a pretty good animation here so really nice work on this one.

might wanna fix the looping


Oh nice

wow this was a nice little animation here I really love how you have presented some color into this this was a tad short here would have loved if this was a tad longer the animation was amazing besides all that this was some good work here so nice job indeed

Make it longer


This was pretty good

I love the graphics on this one the art and graphics are amazing the story is funny, and I got a few good laughs at this one really nice sprite work here on this one so nice job here, it was very random but thats what made it fun so nice job all the way around on this one.

No changes it was awsome


Very nice teaser

And here was a nice teaser I like this it has alot of nice effects that come about and show you what the full version maybor may not be like but this was a big plus and I liked it so nice job there I would love to see this a tad bit longer with more details about the full version but for the most part this is a fantastic film you have here

A tad bit longer more detail


Great film

Im not sure what magna was thinking but he has it all wrong cause this is not about real mythology, this is about Age of mythology the game which is out on pc, and i just baught it my self made by the same people of age of empres, but anyways in the game gods do use there powers to inpower your civ, anywas great flash awsome artwork and the music fit it well, would like to see this go into more episodes of epic adventures that do happen on the game, great art like the shades and animating, why the small window though, but to tell you the truth the god (set) seems to be the best in my choice anyways great flash looks like its on its way to a feature award, overall great work.

Its an amazing film I like it as is.


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