
20,788 Movie Reviews

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A nice film here

This was notbad seemed a tad short and could use some subtitles, A nice film here minecraft related another "GREAT-ADVENTURE-HERE", and I like how the movie played out from start to finish, the minecraft element is always a "FUN-VISUAL" and glad you made it here on film for us all to enjoy, anyways nice work here I look forward to more.

subtitles are always nice to have, even if it is not hard to understand its always a nice option to have, now its even better when you cant understand whats being said, then the subtitles come in very handy.


Wow amazing effects

This was intense even more intense then a in game experience really nice effects on this one, Cant for the life of me see any need for any changes to this great film here, just keep making great stuff, A great format and topic choice with minecraft as this one was pretty solid work, This was some nice visuals with the whole minecraft theme going on I like the "STYLISH-ACTION" going on and you "CANT-GO-WRONG-WITH-MINECRAFT" and that alone made me enjoy this.

Cant for the life of me see any need for any changes to this great film here, just keep making great stuff


Cool minecraft

Wow amazing just like a minecraft experience, This was such a fantastic movie it does not need any changes what so ever Well you cant go wrong with some minecraft "ITS-A-BIG-CRAZE" everywhere and you have presented a nice film here minecraft related another great adventure here, and I like how the movie played out from start to finish so "REALLY-NICE-SUBMISSION" and glad I could watch and review this one.

This was such a fantastic movie it does not need any changes what so ever


A great format of minecraft

Great visuals as this looks like some great mincraft in a 2-d visual since there was some dialog maybe ad some subtitles for the voices, So this one here was a great format and topic choice with minecraft as this one was pretty solid work, you have some nice movie ideas and "YOU-HAVE-PRESENTED-SOMETHING-PRETTY-COOL" with this one, I really liked what you have presented here as this was pretty nifty.

since there was some dialog maybe ad some subtitles for the voices


Cool Madness

Nice madness would have liked more detail in the backround but overall this was good cant go wrong with some random killing and whatnot, this was pretty good I thaught nice detail in this one and you bring on some nice effects, you have some cool madness ideas here on this one, and "I-ENJOYED-IT-VERY-MUCH-INDEED", so keep up the fantastic work as always.

would have liked more detail in the backround but overall this was good


Interesting Madness

The scenes in this were very intense great artwork and great characters, I found no need for any changes on this one, So these movie types with the madness theme going are always awsome cant go wrong with some random killing and whatnot, this was pretty good I thaught "NICE-DETAIL" in this one and you bring on "SOME-NICE-EFFECTS" aswell, so really cool movie you have going on here.

I found no need for any changes on this one


A cool Demo Reel

Really colorful and the music was fitting so well with all the different animation would have been nice if there was some subtitles either for the music or the talking characters, So these demo reels are "PRETTY-NIFTY" and showcase ones work very well just as you have done here today, so with that I have to say I was pretty impressed with what you did "BRING-TO-THE-TABLE", and I look forward to much more of your upcomming work untill then make great stuff.

would have been nice if there was some subtitles either for the music or the talking characters



This one had a strange starting but was funny, I say adding some subtitles for pube muppet would be a nice touch up on this one, So this was kind of nifty here, "I-LIKE-THIS-CLASSIC" of pube muppet would be nice if we had more of Pube-Muppet in todays modern time it would be an interesting element, but I do have to say you have some "NICE-RANDOM-FUN" here with some pube muppet lol.

I say adding some subtitles for pube muppet would be a nice touch up on this one



This was cool maybe adding some subtitles would be nice, If we had more of "PUBE-MUPPET" in todays modern time it would be an interesting element, You cant go wrong with more pube-muppet lol, I suggest making more of the wld and "CRAZY-PUBE" lol, this particular one was funny and randomly wild, very entertaining stuff.

maybe adding some subtitles would be nice


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