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Oh wow

Now this is something that is brilliant starts off with a bang the mario guy was awsome not sure if I would ad anything its pretty amazing, I could see this going alot more further with lots more stuff and visuals added, So just a few things to think about, but anyways good start So-Far, You have something good here Allthough it does need abit more, But for the most part you have some decent work here and I wouldnt mind seeing how far you can take it, You can give this a cutting edge touch Or a ritzy feel, Just needs to be turbo charged but it will be better for any effort and for the most part you have created just that here.

not sure if I would ad anything its pretty amazing


I love this

So this here was some amazing work I really love this kins of animation I think all this really needs is some added subtitles but its pretty solid stuff, Ok first off notbad with this one I like the style and direction you took with this, So while this was pretty good it could use a few extras It had everything that made it a great film nice content and nice detail and nice graphics, So all and all this was actually a pretty good movie, There was some things that could be better and more detailed but thats for later to explain.

I think all this really needs is some added subtitles but its pretty solid stuff


A fun and wild clock presentation

Well these are always cool and I personally like this Robert clock lol, you could make some great adventures with some even longer ones, Some nice submission you have created A fun and wild clock entertaining presentation movies with clocks are always entertaining you have some nice work here and it really shows even an entertaining value to this clock theme so nice job on the clock movie.

you could make some great adventures with some even longer ones


Very nice

This was nice work on a clock movie seems like you have something here, wouldnt mind some added subtitles, Ok first off notbad with this one I like the style and direction you took with this, So while this was pretty good it could use a few extras It had everything that made it a great film nice content and nice detail and nice graphics, So all and all this was actually a pretty good movie, There was some things that could be better and more detailed but thats for later to explain.

wouldnt mind some added subtitles


Clocks and even more clocks

I love that there is more clock movies make more of these for sure, Well you cant go wrong with some clock action and even in this one you bring some adventure and story element here, Clocks and even more clocks anyways a fun film here with an adventure here so really nice work and some really nice visuals I like your ideas here.

I love that there is more clock movies make more of these for sure



So another clock movie seems like they are live once again you have really pushed the limit I love seeing all the deifferent clocks a fun element of a movie here, would love to see more with this style but anyways a fun flash animation of some clocks.

make more even more depth within a story


Pop-Tart responds:

I'm doing one movie a day which all form one story. Some days tho, the spam gods win over quality..

Another funny one

So here was another one and this was funnier then most I really enjoy the narrating most of all as they make these really standout more then other kinds of animations and you have some nice voice work here and really makes it flow and have some good humor in the whole idea here.

no major changes just make more


Entertaining and fun

Some great stuff here Another fun narration and Entertaining and fun, you always make some great ones and the voice work is as always pretty good, you have some amazing ideas, This was a nice element of humor and great voice to go along with it so really nice job.

just make more



So this was an entertaining flick, kind of like a music video somewhat the animation on this was pretty cool, the artwork was decent too I had fun with this one and it was overall a fun little animation hope you make more such as this one, so nice work sofar.

No changes just make more


Ushnor responds:

I shall make more, and the world wil lhave XwaynecoltX to thank for it!

Nice work

This was a great flash movie the black and white element was different and nice some added subtitles would work well with this one, I could see this going alot more further with lots more stuff and visuals added, So just a few things to think about, but anyways good start So-Far, You have something good here Allthough it does need abit more, But for the most part you have some decent work here and I wouldnt mind seeing how far you can take it, You can give this a cutting edge touch Or a ritzy feel, Just needs to be turbo charged but it will be better for any effort and for the most part you have created just that here.

some added subtitles would work well with this one


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