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not a lot of animation

The topics on these are pretty funny and amusing you have some good ideas wish there was more animation and more cut scenes, not a lot of animation but I found this to be kind of funny here you have some nice idea with this one and all the celeb entertainment with some good elements here do wish there was more animation and scenes though these are still pretty good so nice work here.

wish there was more animation and more cut scenes



So this was an interesting clip the effects and fusions on this was pretty amazing with some nice formations on it, would love some music and or sound F/X and some adeed scenes in there would be a plus aswell but overall this was some amazing work here.

as suggested above.



As always these are classics and bring us down memory lane with the entertainment at the time, so some nice work indeed, there was not a lot of animation but still found these to be entertaining, so really nice film here, well this was a fun film with all the talk about celebs and all they sure did do some crazy and wacky stuff back in the day anyways some great humor here




So this was really shorts but I do have to say it was cute and had some really nice and fresh colors within it all you have some good ideas would have been nice if it was somewhat longer maybe a few extra scenes, besides all that it was a cute lil film.

would have been nice if it was somewhat longer maybe a few extra scenes


Some nice showbiz element here

Entertaining So this one was pretty enetratining as they all are and did not find anything that needs any major changes, Another fun entry you have created here with this one some really nice visuals on this movie series here and you make it interesting, Some nice showbiz element here and it all comes alive with each new take so props to you on a fun little series you have created here.

did not find anything that needs any major changes



Well this one was pretty good, the art was nice the film itself was atad short the animation was pretty nice just wish it could be longer as it was still a funny clicp here, but besides all that you have a funny humor going on with this lil flick of yours.

none needed it was funny


A fun episode

First of all great voice with this one, some subtitles would be amazing, I like the cut scenes in this, no changes needed it was awsome, So here was another fun episode here and some very entertaining scenes and dialog going on this Showbiz series is pretty good you have some nice ideas and tv always helps lol, but anyways this was a nice and fun little series you have here, keep up the entertaining value.

no changes needed it was awsome



So that was notbad was kind of interesting not too long or short but the art work on the characters was pretty amazing you have some nice visuals here from each scene and was an interesting flick make more like this soon sometime soon anyways nice job

make more



So this was intense the voice work alone got me really impressive stuff and I have really enjoyed this kind of like a realy movie going on, anyways no major changes needed here, And with all that said I do want to mention that this has been a pleasure, this is something that I would suggest to friends to see some portions I was not too fond of, But you had substantial positive stuff aswell, so nice efforts I like what you are doing here.

As suggested no major changes needed


Great visuals

The voice work was pretty amazing as was the visuals now while this was a short one you still have some nice work here, I wouldnt mind some added subtitles, I was still enlightened by it and hope to see more from you soon, This was pretty awsome but certainly Could use more work and more effort in some spots and what-not, Good luck on everything else This is like an advanced piece of work so your hard work does show in the visuals and thats what really impressed me the most, So thats what I take away from this one a very nice experience.

I wouldnt mind some added subtitles


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