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Love the randomness

I really love the randomness of this whole flick you have here I really like these pieces, they may not be everyones faves, but I do like them, they bring a certain something to the table and thats what makes them differant from the rest so nice job on making this it is a decent submission and hope you make more like this one, This was Absolutely a good Treat, and was Wonderfully executed, so nice job here. Now this one here was Refreshing and my perspective on this one was interesting and unique with the occasional random moment.

its amazing as is


A fun madness here

I was pretty impressed with your style of action and the direction of the film, A fun madness here and you really bring on the skills and talents on this one, a fun madness film here, you have a great film here with the action and madness element so awsome work here.



Fantastic film

For me I love the strange, random and unique this film brings like the ending poop, or the girl and spinning color elements Ok so here I would like to give you some cheers on a job well-done you deserve it and more, so as with this entry you have done very well, there could be some small changes but overall its pretty decent. The film Industry is somewhat hard to understand, but you seem to know how to use it in an Intensely way with this movie entry, So I would like to take this Opportunity To show and give you some Recognition on this entry and just say it was of good and decent quality.

none needed on this fine flick.


Madness with a twist

You seem to really enjoy these madness types you really have shown some nice detail here and a great detail of action here with the madness theme you even added a small twist in this story and adventure, you have shown some nice madness element with some extra twists that make it even more fun to see in this flick.



Love it

So I found this one to be pretty colorful with some nice use of color great visuals here and great music I took a little more time with this movie entry, As this one took me back and was pretty interesting aswell as entertaining, it has some nice value to it and there was some good excitement building up around this. It was a beautifull and Grand and very Developed it Suited all the elements just perfectly, And the endings of movies like this go to show all the work you have put fourth and it shows, from start to finish.

make more of these even some longer ones


I like it

Well I do have to say you made a good showcase here with this film and funny too great ending So on this particular day I wanted to check out some of your work, and I will mention that you have really impressed me today, I do enjoy these kinds of flicks they are entertaining and yet you add an interesting style to it. This was Enticing and Advanced in a unique style about it. You have a good perspective on how movies should be made, This is a Visionary and my Conclusion on this one is that I have enjoyed it.



An adventure of madness

And here we are with part three very welldone you made this a great video and awsome madness flick An adventure of madness some really nice elements that you really bring alive in this masterpiece of some madness, I have enjoyed it from the start and do hope you make even more of these very nice flick.




so this was pretty good even in the limited madness element cant wait for a more full on force of madness here but besides that its pretty good stuff so keep doing what you do best

make more


Zombie nation

The music was nice and was fitting to the zombie element Its like its Zombie nation and you have expressed some nice zombie element in this flick full of zombies and all that they bring, You cant go wrong with some zombie style as this one gives off a great vibe I really enjoyed your zombie energy in this flick.




I found this to be magnificent wish there was more to this as all the details like the baloon flying was really cool, I want to give you cheers on this movie There was alot to this and I found it delightfull, even using some good creative expression cameout to work good so nice job. You have Morphed simplistic into Entertainment and Surprisingly shows a lot of Dedication so this was a Splendid concept of a movie entry, OK so here we come to the end here on this one for what its worth, I have enjoyed this one.

Magnificent work no changes are needed


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