lol very funny
hahha damn that was funny, and very very short, hahah great stuff make more cause that is some great stuff...
lol very funny
hahha damn that was funny, and very very short, hahah great stuff make more cause that is some great stuff...
hehehehe they sure do like to laugh alot, the black and white was cool, abit slow the story was, needs somthing though, hmmmmm oh yeah more story heheh...
could you have made it any shorter, cause i think i just blinked my eyes, but anyways, i like where the story is going hope to see more soon...
lol again and again
ok that was another funny sheep film, but why dont you make one with a story or somthing, oh and what the last reviewer said was damn funny
look>>> (((seeing that the country has more sheep than people)))
Heehe anyways dont mean to make fun of you but it was damn funny, anyways great work...
very cool
haha another great bas i mean movie, anyways, like the style here, and love that portal withh all the swf's, anyways great job, keep em coming...
very very nice work
wow this was one of the mario games, that i like on newgrounds, most are just sprites but this has a decent story and great ghost like stuff, anyways keep up the good quality work...
just be glad i gave you a point
cause this was pointless and dumb, no story no nothing, yikes whats next from the random button of crap, ohwell...
well i guess it was ok, but that voice thing just ended it for me, sorry its just so anoying, akaakkakakaaka or in yourcase jajajajajajajaj...
um ok well didnt see how that was funny, and it kinda tailed off and well it really bored me, i gues thats what i get for randoming it ohwell...
um ok well it was nothing that great just one huge giant clock with a few smaller clocks around it and 2 other whoevers moving, ohwell to each his own...
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