((( 4 )))
hmmm ok well you may ask why a 4 well thats just me, im just tough in reviewing, and just epect high quality, you may flame me for that, but ohwell, the whole SP thing is getting old, but i guess some like it, ohwell maybe next time...
((( 4 )))
hmmm ok well you may ask why a 4 well thats just me, im just tough in reviewing, and just epect high quality, you may flame me for that, but ohwell, the whole SP thing is getting old, but i guess some like it, ohwell maybe next time...
((( HMMMMM )))
ok well it gets better as it goes along, still like the artwork, kinda a big file size but still worth it...
Thanks, I'm afraid the file size explodes in the last epsiodes as I started using more grafics, longer epsiodes and more effects! But it's all worth it, if you're into the Ytown-type of humour!
((( COOL )))
hmmm not bad, but yeah the sound needs some work, looks like a interesting series...
Thank you! I think it's pretty tricky to make good soundrecordings. Also I'm from Sweden so I have a strange dialect. Be sure to watch all epsiodes the last epsiode is very good (and eight minutes long).
((( PARTY DUDE )))
hahah its a party yeah, ok well this episode could take off into a series all its own, the whole series was great though, well guess this was the end, but who knows maybe you will make anothe someday...
cool i like this one the most it was so funny, like the views she was talking about, and like that celeb triangle thingie heheh great job...
((( LOL )))
heheh very cool like the artwork, it has an interesting style, the jokes are somewhat funny, and like the whole art scene, the robots are so funny, cant wait fo more, untill then have funt in robot land...
((( GOOD AT MATH )))
hahah that was funny joke, i like the robot series there should be more or even some parodys, heheh anyways great job...
((( WOW AGAIN )))
man you got the skillz, you make some awsome stuff, and the sound-FX is always the best, thanks for the great movies...
((( WOW )))
wow that was like a real movie, also reminded me of duke nukem, anyways it was great work, love the anggels, and love the flying across the land area, that was just so movie like, anyways great job...
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