((( GOOD JOB )))
Not bad, i myself just learned how to do this, and also learned how to drag and drop which is very helpfull, the button thing is my next goal, but anyways thanks for the help...
((( GOOD JOB )))
Not bad, i myself just learned how to do this, and also learned how to drag and drop which is very helpfull, the button thing is my next goal, but anyways thanks for the help...
((( COOL )))
Cool i remember the others, but the story should be much longer then this short thing, i like the artwork, and the music, keep up the good work...
((( OK )))
Well here is my advice, maybe add some backrounds instead of just white screen, maybe some music, and speed up the animation, would make for a much better product...
Hrm..Speeded Up Animation Is Easy. Hopefully We Could Add A Backround Too, And Finally, Sound Is Evil, But I'm Workin On It Right Now. Thanks For The Advice
((( HMMMMMM )))
Well if it helps thats good then, i liked it, but i sometimes like the blacklines around some stuff, but still decent thanks...
i know i hope im not sending the message that never use black lines is the way to be.
((( GREAT JOB )))
Wow i liked it alot, the audio really needs work, but was a great film, well worth the wait of the file size, and great job on the feature...
Really like the artwork, it is a decent little story, the music was abit extreme though, and moved abit slow, but the art really drove the film, so great job...
((( NOT NICE )))
Well i dont think that was very nice, might even piss a few people off, but im just here to review it, it seems that i may have seen this before, anyways, i like the music it was cool, maybe next time dont just put a movie like this out just kinda tastless...
((( UM..............OK )))
Well it was avg, no real story, just a bit of fighting, could use some work on the art, and maybe make it into more of a story, the music was cool though...
((( HMMMMM )))
Well that was ok, i like the black backrounds, and the white lines, gives a different touch to it, but anyways it might be better with some music or sound-FX
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