
20,788 Movie Reviews

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((( NICE ART )))

I really like the artwork on this flash, allthough it was prety funny stuff, made me laugh, maybe instead of that gun like thing maybe use magic or somthing, anyways it was good work keep it up...

MOVIE COMMENTARY: A LOTR good ol time...


((( HAHAHA )))

That was interesting, maybe add some more backrounds though, i like how the music kicked in until later, hahah crazy msn anyways it was a interesting idea keep it up...

MOVIE COMMENTARY: A msn adventure...


((( HAHAHAHA )))

Ok that was entertaining, the buttons seem to just plop down and down, no biggie though it was funny stuff, What might be even better would be instead of sprites, make it in art style, now that would be cool, i mean sprites are easy to just plop right on down but art is just artistic and unique, allthough this was amusing, nice work indeed...

MOVIE COMMENTARY: A true story of original love...


((( FUNNY )))

Almost like some tutorial, the audio kinda bothered me cause it was way too low to hear anything, the idea is funny though, keep up the decent works...

MOVIE COMMENTARY: If you love to ski then this is the movie for you...


((( HMMMMMMM )))

Hmmm interesting nice idea id say, the audio got abit loud though, maybe sharpen up the art and lower the sound just abit, and abit more story, and you just may have somthing, anyways nice idea...

MOVIE COMMENTARY: A movie with a smile...



well notbad for your first, i liked the black n white style, and the little color here and there, the music itself gave it a trippy mond kinda thing, its notbad for a first...

MOVIE COMMENTARY: A mind almost 60's style...


((( HMMMMMMM )))

Hmmm ok well abit different, well there should some sound or music, and then maybe add a play/w/stopaction button, and also a replay button, that looping is well just anoying, voices are needed though...

MOVIE COMMENTARY: A film with b/w style frame by frame style, different and unique...



Hmmmm heheh but true to what the last guy said there are lots of thease, but yours is abit older so you deserve some credit there, nice and smooth animation, keep it up...

MOVIE COMMENTARY: An original stick battle...


((( HAHAHA )))

Interesting, it was artistic neat, i like the buttons and the sound you gave them, did make me laugh, it was amusing, now get him on a adventure or somthing...

MOVIE COMMENTARY: A great intro to a unique hero...


((( COOL )))

Ok well notbad, kinda short, it runs with nice and smooth animaton, sounds are decent, and i like the black n white style, the text well thaught it ran too fast but still ok, so notbad work here...

X's COMMENTARY: A short film, with decent char designs...


~X~ RECORDS: First user to reach 3k/4k/5k/6k/7k/8k/9k /10k/11k/12k/13k/14k 15k/16k/17k/18k/19k/20K/21K/22K/23k/24k/25k/26k Reviews. CURRENT #1 REVIEWER* Since 2002

Age 51, Male


Joined on 1/17/01

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