
20,672 Movie Reviews

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((( HAHAHA )))

Censored lol that was like the best part, anyways i like atwork, and the 80's style was a great idea, now go make more thease are great...


((( HAHAHAHA )))

Ok notbad it had a sorta ren-stimpy stly humor to it, when that thing came out of the piano it was like whoaaaa, and then at the end when roses were thrown hehheehe, anyways this was very funny and entertaining, anyways great job, i just loved it...


((( FUNNY )))

Well as i started to wath this i was thinking it might just be another stick flick, but as the text appeared it seemed abit different, the music was a great choice who was that anyways, and the ending was so perfect and awsome, also love the part about turning to dust then the wind blowing the dust, anyways great work...



That was very cool, the story kept me going most of all, i also like the backrounds, very good detail with the views, and also like the zooming in effects of the backrounds aswell, great work and would love to see more soon...


((( HMMMM OK )))

Well its ok, kinda short, prob wanna add some sound or music, im not much for sprites, but it seemed ok, but what might be even better would be instead of sprites, make it in art style, now that would be cool, i mean sprites are easy to just plop right on down but art is just artistic and unique...


((( LOVED IT )))

It made feel all good inside, made me wanaa throw a party, i like the giant sized pico or maybe his regular size if you will, anyways great animation, maybe needs some backrounds though, one thing though dont the fruits fight in mass like when they vote to win eachother awards...


((( HUH )))

Hmmm well here is my take on it, it was way too short, needs some sound, or music for a feel to the film, and maybe more animation then just "wack", add some nice and colorfull backrounds, then you might wanna add some story/plot as viewers like seeing a story more then just a scene, you could make some good stuff here at newgrounds, but as i know it does take some time, keep up the works...


((( COOL )))

Hmmmmm it was interesting, i like the smooth animation, aswell as the ending part """why would he do this eventhough he had a gun""" hehe that was a nice touch, maybe some backrounds would be a nice add-on, anyways great work here...


((( COOL )))

Hey that was a cool preview, i have always loved spiderman, i would say maybe add some backrounds instead of the white backs, music was perfect, the preview did seem abit short but it was cool, cant wait for more...


((( HMMMMM OK )))

Well as i look thru the few reviews for this movie, it seems that if they tell you somthing you dont like you do say somthing of the racist matter, but anyways, a few things that could be fixed or added to make this film are, maybe add some backrounds, maybe have the movie load before it streams, clear up the sound abit, and maybe abit longer, it was ok, but could be better, keep up the work...


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