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Notbad, its decent sprite action, could use more animation, and artistic arnt wouldnt hurt eithr, the story is funny, so not bad, not bad at all...

MOVIE COMMENTARY: Sprite action flash...


Jojos responds:

Thanks, another rare human being who actually give good comments about a mediocre flash video instead of bashing the artist saying they suck or something.

((( DECENT )))

Notbad it was decent, maybe more color next time, nice animating, and i like that effect of a window showing a close up, it was decent...

MOVIE COMMENTARY: A little battle with nice effects...


((( LOL )))

Ok well notbad, the smoke scene went on abit long but still funny, this is also funny cause i recently rented the movie heheh, nice film i will watch the next if you make it great work, ps David Lynch rocks...

MOVIE COMMENTARY: A dune spoof...


((( OK )))

Well it may be a test, and just a thaught did you take out the original movie, cause this one is about some battle, but anyways on the full ver, add a play button do it doesnt loop, and the backrounds look nice, and there is sound so its all good with me...

MOVIE COMMENTARY: A battle of sticks...


((( COOL )))

This is one of the better mentos movies i have seen, nice work on the char's, very welldone, with great detail, and the preloader was decent aswell, very res-Evilisk heheh, anyways great job, hope to see more...

MOVIE COMMENTARY: Res-Evil + Mentos = A+...


((( LMAO )))

Wow the portal does come out with some good talent, hehe that was damn funny stuff, the audio was perfect, and was the drive of the movie, abit short but still damn funny, make more like this...

MOVIE COMMENTARY: Funny audio...


((( SWEET FILM )))

Hey that was all around great, alot better then some of the suff that comes into the portal thease days, i love your backrounds, you have an eye for detail, and thats what counts more to me then anything else, the music was perfect and kickin, interactiveness was high, i used gernade, and some great effects, you really need to make more of thease, great job...

MOVIE COMMENTARY: A very detailed and interactive battle...


((( LOL )))

Ha that was funny, and i really like the screen breaking heheh made me laugh, and the music had me going aswel lol, thanks for the laughter, its a decent humor flash...

MOVIE COMMENTARY: Funny to the bone...


((( HMMMMMM OK )))

Well i was waiting for the interview, but it seems everyone is dead, hehe well thats kinda funny if you think about it, would have liked to see the deaths in action though, notbad though...

MOVIE COMMENTARY: An interview gone bad...


((( HA HA )))

Ha ok abit more funny then the last, still i think backrounds would be great, maybe more robots aswell, keep up the great robot humor...

MOVIE COMMENTARY: 2 Robots just hanging out...


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Age 51, Male


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