((( LOL )))
Ok well notbad, poor cat, maybe when he is beating him show more blood and more animation in the arms and legs and so on, kinda short, but it made me laugh...
((( LOL )))
Ok well notbad, poor cat, maybe when he is beating him show more blood and more animation in the arms and legs and so on, kinda short, but it made me laugh...
((( HEY )))
Thstd not nice, mario cant die well not his body anyways, it was funny, and short, now make anothere where mario gets yoshi heheh nice sprite action...
MOVIE COMMENTARY: Mario and yoshi have it out...
((( GOOD ART )))
Nice artwork, good detail in the backrounds, and nice gun lots of detail, and the story is decent aswell, heh wish i could do that to my boss, heh j/k...
MOVIE COMMENTARY: Kill the boss...
Heh notbad, that was abit funny, maybe have another ending giving him a chance to escape, or different endings in general, it was classic though and sticks for this was just right, so nice work, keep it up...
MOVIE COMMENTARY: Stick need air...
((( COOL )))
You always win, you gotta give some of the little guys win once in awhile heh, anyways congrats on another feature, it was awsome stuff, Everytime you win green vein gets pissed heheh, anyways it was awsome work keep it up...
MOVIE COMMENTARY: The best of the best...
((( HMMMMM )))
Ok here we have another stick battle, with decent backrounds, notbad, i like the blood effects on the wall, and the sword guy he was kinda cool, nice work, hope to see more...
MOVIE COMMENTARY: Another stick battle to the finish with blood...
((( NEEDS WORK )))
OK well it needs some work, might wanna sharpen up the artwork, speed up the animation, and maybe add some detail to the backrounds, i like the boards though, and the story could be good, just needs abit more work...
MOVIE COMMENTARY: Snow boarding flash...
Heh anyways i think i have seen this like 3x now, but hey what can ua do, anyways gotta love that good ol bill, its fast paced, and like that last guy said the audio need improving, phat el is phat, anyways nice work...
MOVIE COMMENTARY: Another phat film...
((( LOL )))
Ha that was funny in its own little crazy way, maybe thats why it made me laugh, well i guess it did its job if it did make me laugh, while it may have been lacking in other area it was funny, the bear was funny, the lip synkinh could be abit better though...
MOVIE COMMENTARY: A saved by the bell parody...
Well its ok, could be sharpened up abit, audio was very clear though, and that main char for some reason looks like bart simpson, hmmm it was ok though...
MOVIE COMMENTARY: A bart simpson look-alike...
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