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Gotta love some lego

This was nice the lighting was a tad dark on the visuals, I was pretty impressed with all your details and outcome here gotta love some lego and thats what you have created here in this fun leho mation pretty impressed with the idea here and end results ofcourse but regardless very nice work here keep at it.

Some brighter lighting on the scenes


Nice animation

You have some nice animation here not too long but the different scenes had some smooth animation especially the running scenes with good backround elements too, anyways nice movie flick.

None needed



So this was actually pretty nifty of a film and kind of reminded me of a music video of sorts really fast playthough also, besides that this was some good animation and nice music keep it up.

make it longer


Well cant go wrong with lego

A speed build thats kind of rare here on the grounds but you did well with it, cant go wrong here a nice movie with some nice lego mation here its always fun to see some good lego have to say this was a nice flick and submission of lego and you really cant go wrong here with this idea, anyways hope to see more lego flicks in the future.

Cant say it needs any changes


Nice flick

So this was a nice flick here I love the visual effects like when they are speed running and such, a good element here, its a short film but really good quality so please do make more I liked it.

Make more and longer


Very good

So with this one you made some nice animation scenes simple and fun and some great art style A great Showcase here with only a few things needing Ironing out but you show you are a Devoted creator and artist, Gradually this gets better towards the end, Let your imagination go wild with this one, Allow your ideas to flourish into something great but you have already done a lot of that here. I like the Momentum in this but now we come to the Conclusion, of this fine film you have created for us.

No changes are needed at this time



This was nice work the unique style of it was off the hook, the texture and unique visuals is what I have enjoyed, Its stuff like this that brings ideas into this Industry aswell as making it worthwhile so keep doing what you do it was a pleasure to see a movie of this type and style, as it was appealing had some entertaining value and was just overall pretty interesting, And you have touched on a number of aspects that made for a good movie, with all sorts of great moments, but anyways it was a pleasure.

No changes per say but do make more of this style.


Good toon

This was a nice toon here the voice work is pretty amazing and I love the story element on this is pretty good, really amazing characters too, so for that ill end here but hope you make even more like this.

Make more soon.


Cant go wrong with some legomation

I like how you have presented this one and the music was nice some awsome effects so keep doing what you do Cant go wrong with some legomation and you really set the tone with this great lego-mation Now as a fan I love this already but you really went beyond it and were really creative with this particular flick.

No changes needed


Its Lego

The quality was not all that great but was still good Well here was a nice movie with some nice lego mation here its always fun to see some good lego works just like you have created here and I am pretty impressed with what you have created here a good lego idea of a film im an avid fan of lego myself.

None here


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2y 6m 15d